NY Times Confirms: Israeli Lobby Controls American Lawmakers
A revealing insight into how “right wing” and “left wing” Zionists work has come with the open admission by a leading Jewish journalist in the New York Times that American…
A revealing insight into how “right wing” and “left wing” Zionists work has come with the open admission by a leading Jewish journalist in the New York Times that American…
The “Israeli lobby” in Washington DC has lost none of its power and remains as strong as ever, despite efforts to downplay its importance, leading foreign affairs analyst Stephen M.…
Precommentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery — Here is a very interesting article from Chris Hedges discussing the importance of Max Blumenthal’s book “Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel.” Hedges…
In yet another public and blatantly craven display of subservience, the “American” Secretary of State, John Kerry-Kohn has assured the Zio-fanatics in America and Israel that the U.S. is still…
A speech by Britain’s far leftist activist and Member of Parliament George Galloway before the Oxford Student Union in which he claimed that all “enlightened people” who led the great…
The Polish edition of Forbes magazine has published an apology rather than be sued by the Jewish lobby in that country over an article which revealed too much truth about…
Anyone seeking proof that Jewish Supremacists have turned the events of World War II into part of their religion and culture need look no further than the latest outburst by…
The British BBC, in response to “complaints,” has bowed down to Zionist Supremacist pressure and has gone along with the ongoing attempts to hide the fact that Israel started the…
The Zio-media, fully under the control of the Jewish Supremacist media oligarchs, have completely suppressed growing and incontrovertible evidence of massive pedophilia among the orthodox Jewish community—in complete contrast to…
It is the “Israeli lobby” which is behind the push to have Congress preemptively surrender its war powers, by authorizing Obama to launch a war on Iran, well-known conservative commentator…