Don’t go anywhere near these riots! Tell everyone to stay away!
This cannot be emphasized enough. Obviously we are engaged in a struggle for the future of our civilization, and so it is natural that when people see it crumbing they are going to want to “do something.” But there is absolutely nothing to be gained from any of us doing anything in proximity to these riots. Mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey is already making the ridiculous and unsubstantiated allegation that somehow white supremacists and foreign (read Russian) agents are behind this:
“We are now confronting white supremacists, members of organized crime, out of state instigators, and possibly even foreign actors to destroy and destabilize our city and our region.”
Why would any of us want to volunteer to be Jacob Frey’s patsy? Obviously no reader of this site would, but if you know any MAGA people or other normies who want to go down and wave an American flag or counter-demonstrate in any way, don’t let them. These riots won’t last forever, and when the smoke clears we need as many people as possible to see clearly who is responsible for the chaos.
–Patrick Slattery, May 31, 2020
