The Zionist Supremacist state of Israel, which already has one of the most racially-restrictive immigration policies in the world, is about to introduce DNA testing to ensure that no non-Jews…

A rare glimpse into the hidden—from Gentile eyes—world of Jewish Supremacist hatred against racism against non-Jews  has been provided by a dissident Jewish journalist writing from Israel over recent attacks…

As reported earlier on, it has now been definitively established that Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what is commonly known as a race,…

  Jewish Involvement in Black American Affairs Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday By Paul Grubach Just about every year on the eve of the national holiday honoring Martin…

Dr. David Duke Refutes Eugene Girin on “Racial Realism & the Jews” By Dr. David Duke Read the following story carefully. It is called ”Racial Realism and the Jews.” Even…

Studies in Jewish Supremacism: A Series Edited and Posted by Dave Cooper Are Jews a Race?…What They Themselves Say! An excerpt from David Duke’s Jewish Supremacism. One of the first…

I mentioned the the Jewish role in pornography recently and the Jerusalem Post newspaper did a headline about it. Instead of railing against my truth telling about the Jewish role in the sick, human-damaging porn industry, it simply calls me anti-semitic which is now defined as any legitimate and fact-based criticism of the Jewish establishment.