Inaugurating Endless War by Patrick J. Buchanan Here is a recent piece by Patrick Buchanan showing the policy of George Bush that leads America to disaster — dd Where Woodrow…

 The following article by columnist Charlie Reese clearly gets to the real heart of the Zionist Controversy–DD No Peace in Palestine by Charley Reese There will be no peace in…

Extreme Jewish supremacist Robert Zoellick appointed to high post by David Duke Ultra Jewish Supremacist-Neocon Robert Zoellick, the curent U.S. Trade Representative, has now been appointed to Deputy Secretary of…

 Pictured (left) The jailed Jonathan Pollard — the Israeli spy that inflicted more damage upon the United States in recent times than any other espionage agent Will Administration Cover Up…

Orthodox Rabbis Defend Practices Shown in Video — Call criticism of Slaughter methods an anti-Semitic canard After release of a shocking video showing Jewish ritual slaughter of cattle, the Jewish…