Zio-Watch News Round-up

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup, November 6, 2014


From the Jewish Telegrapic Agency

Israel rejects Amnesty Int’l report of Gaza operation that claims war crimes

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel has rejected as biased and inaccurate an Amnesty International report that accuses Israel of committing war crimes during the summer’s Gaza operation.

The report issued early Wednesday details eight instances where residences in Gaza were attacked without warning, leading to the deaths of some 104 civilians.

“Israeli forces have brazenly flouted the laws of war by carrying out a series of attacks on civilian homes, displaying callous indifference to the carnage caused,” said Philip Luther, director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International. “The report exposes a pattern of attacks on civilian homes by Israeli forces which have shown a shocking disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians, who were given no warning and had no chance to flee.”
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From PressTV

Syrian army inflicts losses on ISIL

Syrian troops in the village of Western Dumayna, some seven kilometers north of the western city of Qusayr, May 13, 2013

Syrian troops in the village of Western Dumayna, some seven kilometers north of the western city of Qusayr, May 13, 2013
Thu Nov 6, 2014 5:36AM GMT




The Syrian army has come out victorious in more battles against the ISIL Takfiri terrorists.

Syrian army units recaptured more parts of the town of Sheikh Meskin in the southwestern Dara’a province on Wednesday and inflicted heavy losses on the militants there.

The government forces also flushed out the ISIL terrorists from some parts of Qalamun region in the Damascus countryside.

Additionally, the army made advances in Quneitra, Idlib and Homs provinces.

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From the Jewish Daily Forward

Jewish Defense League Meets Pastrami

By Menachem Freedman

The register at Ben and Izzy’s Deli in Toronto / Courtesy of Menachem Freedman

When the news hit my Facebook feed that Ben and Izzy’s, a restaurant in Toronto, had been named “North America’s Top Kosher Deli,” I immediately packed my bags. Under the guise of visiting family, I began a pilgrimage to what shalomlife.org called “one of the best delis around.” I have to say — the pastrami was perfect, the chicken soup was superb, though the lack of celery soda seemed a bit blasphemous. But what was less appetizing was yet another reminder that the Jewish community is beautiful, vibrant, caring — but also tainted by racism and Islamophobia. It’s about time we speak out.

This sad reminder came to me at the end of my meal. Next to the register, by the charity boxes for orphanages and social programs, I saw a black box with a raised yellow fist. I nearly lost my brisket. The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is soliciting in the #1 kosher deli in North America.
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From the Jewish Telegrapic Agency

Polls show 2-1 Jewish break for Democrats in elections

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Jewish support for Democrats over Republicans in congressional elections broke two to one, consistent with recent elections, and Jewish voters remained substantially more supportive of President Obama than the general population, polls showed.

A poll commissioned by J Street, the liberal Jewish Middle East policy group, showed Jewish voters picking Democrats in Tuesday’s election 69 to 28 percent, consistent when the margin of error is taken into account with the same polling firm’s 69-30 break in 2012 elections and 66-31 break in 2010.

The J Street poll, carried out by the Gerstein Bocian Agne firm, also comported, within the margin of error, with the 66-33 break among Jewish voters who were interviewed by exit pollsters working for a consortiumof major media.
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From PressTV

Jordan ready to ‘stop Israeli attacks’ on al-Aqsa Mosque

Palestinians clean up debris inside the al-Aqsa Mosque following an attack by Israelis on November 5, 2014.

Palestinians clean up debris inside the al-Aqsa Mosque following an attack by Israelis on November 5, 2014.
Thu Nov 6, 2014 2:10AM
Jordan says it is ready to make efforts in order to “stop Israeli attacks” against the al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Jordanian Ambassador to the United Nations Dina Kawar sent a letter to the president of the UN Security Council on Wednesday, slamming Tel Aviv’s “outrageous actions” against Islam’s third-holiest site.

“Jordan considers such serious and outrageous actions by Israel an unprecedented escalation,” Kawar said.

The Jordanian representative noted the recent recall of its ambassador in Tel Aviv, saying, “This is without prejudice to any further lawful steps and measures that Jordan will be taking to stop Israeli attacks against the Haram al-Sharif.”
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From the Jewish Daily Forward

J Street Wins Funding Battle Even Amid Midterm Washout for Liberals

Despite Losses, Dovish PAC Claims Top Israel Funding Spot

Silver Lining: J Street gave plenty to Barack Obama’s liberal allies in the midterm elections. Even though its candidates took a drubbing, the dovish PAC earned a major milestone.


By Nathan Guttman

Published November 05, 2014, issue of November 14, 2014.
In the tight race for control of the U.S. Congress, pro-Israel political action committees fought not just to make sure their dollars sent politicians supportive of Israel to Washington, but also to determine hegemony in the world of pro-Israel political giving.

J Street PAC, the dovish lobby’s political action committee, gave out more than $2 million to candidates in the 2014 midterm elections, claiming the mantle of the largest pro-Israel PAC. For J Street, this lead is viewed as an important milestone, marking the group’s growing acceptance as a legitimate representative of pro-Israel interests. “It shows that there is deep, meaningful support in the Jewish community for the views of J Street,” said Dan Kalik, J Street’s political director.

But critics of the pro-peace organization note that pro-Israel PAC money is a drop in the bucket of Jewish giving to political candidates, especially since the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision known as Citizens United came about, opening the flood gates for unlimited independent expenditures by corporations and individuals on behalf of candidates. Though they totaled more than $5 million in this election cycle, pro-Israel PAC donations are a fraction of the private and general PAC money given to candidates by Jewish donors.
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