Dr. Duke and Rev. Dankof on the incredible treachery of Cruz and Rubio
Dr. Duke and Rev. Dankof on the incredible treachery of Cruz and Rubio Dr. Duke started the show by revealing that the Obama administration is planning on settling some 10,000…
Dr. Duke and Rev. Dankof on the incredible treachery of Cruz and Rubio Dr. Duke started the show by revealing that the Obama administration is planning on settling some 10,000…
Dr. David Duke with new info exposing Zio Shabbat Goy Cruz and the Jewish Oligarchy that rules America! Dr. Duke started the show by listing numerous examples of Ted Cruz’s…
Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald Expose Cruz, Rubio & Trump’s path to President! Dr. Duke analyzed the results of the Iowa caucuses, reminding listeners that he had predicted such…
Dr. Duke: How Jewish Insiders control politics and more on Oscar Boycott — Predicts possible upset in Iowa. Dr. Duke started the show by discussing the Iowa caucuses and Trump’s…
Is Donald Trump a Shill or for Real? Why the Jewish Establishment Hates him! Today Dr. Duke examined the 2016 presidential election. He looked at the Jewish money establishment’s grip…
Dr. Duke Exposes the Scumbay Slimeball Ted Cruz as a total ZioShill ! Patrick Slattery: Today Dr. Duke exposed Ted Cruz for the Zio fraud that he is. He pointed…
Dr. Duke reveals Hillary has been personally bribed with 3 million from the big Jewish banks headed by Goldman Sachs! Also Dr. Slattery on Ukraine. Today Dr. Slattery started the…
Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery Expose the Jewish Group Racism they promote while individualism among non Jews! Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery spend the hour discussing fundamental issues relating…
Dr. Duke Debunks the Myth of an All White Hollywood – He and Dr. Slattery Expose the Real Racist Supremacist Jews Who Run It! Today Dr. Duke turned his focus…
Dr. Duke on The Jewish War Against Europeans and All Mankind & How we Can Defeat Them! Today Dr. Duke concentrated on the centrality of the problem of Jewish power…