
Zionist moneybags Strauss-Kahn escapes another rape charge

Zionist moneybags Strauss-Kahn escapes another rape charge …so what did you expect?

by Dr. David Duke

Strauss Kahn escpaes another rape charge, so, what else is new? The New York Times reports that Khan has just slithered out of another prosecution. The new rulers of Globalism, are much like the Romans were in the Roman Empire, they had a law unto themselves, and no matter what nation of the world they were in: the Roman elite was treated to an altogether different level of deference than the populace of those nations.

Look at Strauss-Kahn’s political ambitions. The heavily Zionist-influenced media was able to float the idea that Strauss-Kahn was going to lead the Socialist Party to victory in France. How in the world does the Socialist Party support a super-capitalist, billionaire to lead it? That’s socialism? It is the “Emperor has no clothes” story all over again. With the blatant Zionist political, financial and media power hardly anyone in the press in France or in the rest of West even dared to raise the question of a super-capitalist, globalist leading the Socialist Party. In an interview a few years back Strauss-Khan revealed that his only true loyalty was to Israel, not to France, and he said that every day he rises thinking about what he could do for Israel. Again, not France, but Israel! And the media seriously entertained this alien financial and sexual predator as worthy to be President of France.? You can be sure the same loyalty is held by the editorial writers of the Washington Post and NY Times. Jewish supremacists Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz in collusion with the Jewish run NY Times and the rest of the Yiddish media led us catastrophic wars for Israel that have cost a 100 times the ruined or lost lives of 9-11. The same disloyalty rests with Jewish advisers to Obama and the Jewish fundraisers and and advisers to the Republican trucklers too. Everyone knows where their true loyalty belongs.

In fact, as in the last Presidential election, every candidate and possible candidate in America must make the obligatory journey to Israel and genuflect before the wailing wall and the Zionist satraps.

But, the world is waking up very quickly now to the Zionist power in media and how the Zionists frame every opinion, and always stick by their own bloodline when the chips are down, except for Jews like Madoff, who dared to skin a handful of Jewish hides along with a carload of Gentile ones.

Unfortunately, even those who recognize Jewish extremist power in the media still can’t help but be subtly or not-so-subtly affected by it, for the “chosen” choose the psychological lawyers for the prosecution and the defense on every current issue. They create a context and then we are all expected to operate within the boundaries they set.

One man who has escaped the boundaries is a man of Jewish heritage but who has the intellect and spirit of true Westerner, Gilad Atzmon. In his new book, The Wandering Who? Atzmon points out how Jews set even the parameters of the anti-Zionist Movement around the world. They have the chutzpah to even tell Palestinians and other pro-Palestinians who they should listen to, and who their enemies are.  Of course, yours truly and Gilad Atzmon are both unapproved by the Jewish media establishment, but thankfully, their approval matters less and less.

An alternative media is forming and people are finally learning the truth about the hyper-racist, Jewish supremacists who sit not only at the controls of the Zionist State of Israel. but at the helm of the Western Media and most Western political establishments. They do so with a deadly combination of media power, financial power and political power which is manufactured from a melding both media and money.

Strauss-Khan may escape any rape charge they throw against him, but he won’t escape the charge that he is a pitiful human being. He’s nothing but a Woody Allen buffoon in a Gorilla Suit dressed in a tuxedo. Ultimately, Strauss-Khan is a pathetic Woody Allen type who will only be laughed  in real life. The day is coming when the Zionist power brokers will not only be thrown out of office but laughed out office and thrown into jail. People are rising.  The time of popular resistance is rushing upon us, the night is growing darker but the dawn is just ahead.