Jewish Supremacism

ZIOBAMA Official to Be Jewish Racist ADL Chief! It’s the Same Thing!

The closely-intertwined nature of the Jewish lobby in America and the US Government has been demonstrated once again with the announcement that the soon-to-be new head of the Anti-Defamation League is none other than a current “special assistant” to the President of the United States.

The announcement—made by the ADL, which is unquestionably one of the most extreme anti-European, Jewish tribalist organizations on the planet, was made yesterday.


Jonathan Greenblatt will become the new head of the ADL from the middle of next year, when the current director, Abe Foxman retires. Greenblatt was selected after a “two-year nationwide search” which “reviewed hundreds of prospective candidates from the fields of business, law, academic and nonprofit management,” according to an ADL news release.

According to Greenblatt’s personal résumé on the White House website, he currently serves as “Special Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation in the Domestic Policy Council.”

Greenblatt also served as an aide in the Clinton White House and the Department of Commerce. Before joining the Clinton Administration, Greenblatt worked in Little Rock, Arkansas on Gov. Bill Clinton’s first successful Presidential campaign in 1992.

The chameleon-like swapping out of roles for these Jewish Supremacists—from White House aide, to presidential adviser—to ADL head—shows clearly how interrelated all these positions are. In fact, the way the system seems to be set up, it is almost a prerequisite for the head of the ADL to have an open-door to the President of the United States of America!

This alone makes it clear how closely intertwined the Jewish Lobby is with the “US” government—but what makes the situation even more incredible, is the outrageous hypocrisy with which the Jewish Tribalists approach the issue of “civil liberties” in America and Israel.

For example, Greenblatt is a committed Jewish tribalist. In a Jewish Telegraphic Agency article covering his appointment, he revealed that his Iranian-born Jewish wife had been brought to the USA courtesy of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), specifically mentioning the concept of “Jewish identity” in this manner:

“. . .[M]y wife had to flee the land of her birth and came to this country with the help of HIAS as a political refugee because of her Jewish identity. . . . [A]dvocating for the rights of all is not just an intellectual pursuit—it’s personal for me, a deeply held value, one that has been seared into my soul.”

As reported on this site earlier, the ADL—and the entire organized Jewish Lobby in America—is formally and officially committed to promoting mass immigration into the United States—but supports Israel which has a diametrically opposite immigration policy than they advocate for America. Israel even uses DNA tests to check that immigrants are actually genetically (racially) Jewish before letting them in!

Can you imagine the uproar if any European nation adopted DNA testing so as to make sure immigrants of European, non-Jewish heritage! The hypocrisy is staggering.

This astonishing hypocrisy extends to asylum-seeker policies and a host of “civil rights” issues such as same-sex marriage (which the Jewish lobby official promotes in America but which is outlawed in Israel).

Israel’s overtly anti-African asylum seeker policy is not only in direct contradiction to that which is officially propagated for America by the ADL—but, if Obama, as the first half-African-American president, were not such a craven Zio-slave, would have no hesitation in identifying as “racist.”

Yet, despite all of these blatant hypocrisies and contradictions, the complete domination of the US political system by the Zio-matrix of finance, media control, and political influence, ensures that the Jewish Lobby operates with near-impunity—and can swap out presidential advisors with ADL heads when and where they please.

So, the selection of the head of the ultra-racist Jewish Zionist head of the ADL who a U.S. Presidential adviser (handler) shows how the government of the United States is synonymous with the radical Jewish racism of the ADL and the ultra-racist Jewish state of Israel.