Posted By Dr.Edward R. Fields on Behalf of the Duke Staff and All Duke Supporters!–
July 1st — Happy Birthday to Dr. David Duke!

We love and support you in your brilliant, tireless and courageous work for the right our people and all people to preserve both their heritage and freedom. We want to wish you, Dr. David Duke, a wonderful and happy birthday.
Your world-changing books, thousands of articles, speeches, appearances, debates and broadcasts and your incredible videos have deeply inspired millions of us here in America and all over the world.
As you know, Dr. Duke, over the last few days your office and website have received thousands of happy birthday greetings and outpouring of respect and love from people all over the world, in fact from almost every nation on Earth.
Not only have you enlightened and taught us so very much, you have been an inspiration to each of us. Not only do you teach us about the realities of the world, but by your example you’re your teaching you lead each of us to a higher, more noble life.
Those of us who have known you for years, have seen you never stop growing, never stop climbing, never stop fighting for the political revolution we must achieve in society, but also recognizing the revolution that must take place in each of us.
As you constantly say the revolution we seek begins in ourselves. Over the years, we who know you best know that you are like the finest of wines, you have become better and better with each passing year. You have climbed the peak of a great life just as the mountains you love to conquer. And you are still climbing. At an age in which is the most common retirement year, you are at the peak of your powers, ever climbing upward.
For over 50 years you have stayed true to us, to our beliefs and our cause. You have faced the most powerful and ruthless tyrants in the world. You have endured threats and physical attack, relentless and slander and every kind of impediment and roadblock from the Zio masters of lies and hate — yet you have never wavered, never given up, never surrendered.
You have dare to laugh in the face of those who threaten you, attack you and imprisoned repeatedly for your daring to speak the truth and for defying those tyrants of endless hate and power who have tried to break your indomitable will and dedication. You have endured all this simply for daring to fight for us and our children, for our freedom, our heritage, our future, not only for our European peoples — but for all humanity, right of all people to be free and independent.
As the Google video analytics show, there are now at least 220,000 individual videos of you and your work, made by tens of thousands of people all over the world. Tens of thousands of people have They have been published in almost every language and every nation.
Videos of your message now amount to more than a BILLION views and they are more than 92 percent of the people love your words, your work and your courageous person. You should think of those billion views as a billion birthday presents, for they are the confirmation of what your life and work means to so many!
So we your closest friends and supporters, want to remind you that hundreds of millions of people have learned from and been inspired by you Sir! On this your birthday, you deserve to know how much you have given to so many millions of people.
A great example is the picture we enclose here of your speaking at the International Identitarian Conference held Guadalajara, Mexico where true lovers of freedom from across the Americas, Europe and around the world honored you with both the opening and closing speeches of this great conference.
For over 50 years you have been our greatest voice and greatest inspiration. We love you and honor you, now and forever!
Note: Dr. has gotten numerous gift items from many people. He wants you to know that he appreciates so much your kindness, but asks that you don’t send anything for himself, but if you are so inclined he would rather you buy books to enlighten your friends and loved ones, or give gifts in support the vital work to which he has dedicated his life…
For Dr. Duke’s Staff, supporters, and friends,
Dr. Edward R. Fields