Jewish Supremacism

Ongoing Zio-War on Gaza: Jewish Lobby Pulls Out All Stops to Support Racist Regime

The ongoing war against Gaza has brought to the surface the full extent of the Zionist control of the U.S. government—with the Jewish Lobby pulling out all the stops to funnel American taxpayers’ cash to the racist regime in Tel Aviv.

The most obvious example of the Zio-control of the U.S. government has come with the announcement by the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee that it has approved a “new” defense spending bill on Tuesday that gives a further $621.6 million for what it calls “Israeli missile defense,” including $351 million for the Iron Dome system which is supposed to be the “miracle” which intercepts short-range rockets fired into Israel.


According to an Associated Press report, the chairman of the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee, Sen. Dick Durbin proudly said of the Iron Dome system that “It works.” The AP article went on to claim that “In the latest hostilities between Israel and Hamas, Iron Dome has been successful in shooting down rockets and preventing Israeli deaths.”

The truth is, as always, directly the opposite: According to the Israeli Defense Force’s official website, the Iron Dome missile defense system has of 07-16-14, shot down 228 rockets—this out of the 1261 Qassam rockets launched so far at the Zionist state.

This means that the Iron Dome system has a success rate of only 18%–and that the vast majority of the system is a failure. Of course, as this website has pointed out before, the amateurish homemade nature of the Gaza rockets has meant that the rockets which did get through, have not reached their intended targets, have failed to explode, or have simply fallen short on open ground.

This means that the “highly advanced” Iron Dome system cannot even shoot down home-made, fertilizer and sugar powered, spot-welded iron pipes (which is what the Qassam rocket is), despite the millions of US tax dollars poured into the technology.

Why then the demand by the Roman Catholic liberal senator Dick Durbin to blindly support the racist regime in Tel Aviv with even more cash for an openly-admitted technological failure?

The answer is revealed in a study of Sen. Durbin’s background, which serves as a textbook case of how the Jewish Lobby in America goes to work to secure its control over the U.S. Government.

In 1982, Durbin won the Democratic nomination for the now-eliminated 20th congressional district, which included most of Springfield. He scored a huge upset, defeating 22-year incumbent Paul Findley—who of course had made the fatal error of daring to speak out against the Jewish Lobby’s control of the American government. Findlay went on to write a book about the Jewish lobby called “They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby” in which he stated that the Jewish Lobby controls the United States Congress and is the “700-pound gorilla in Washington.”

Findley listed the Jewish Lobby as the major factor contributing to his defeat in 1982 by Durbin, and said “In seeking gains for Israel, they rigorously stifled dissent and intimidated the entire Congress. They still do. They defeat legislators who criticize Israel. Senators Adlai Stevenson III and Charles H. Percy, and Representatives Pete McCloskey, Cynthia McKinney, Earl F. Hilliard, and myself were defeated at the polls by candidates heavily financed by pro-Israel forces.”

On the publication of Mearsheimer and Walt’s paper, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, he wrote: “You can’t imagine how pleased I was […] I think I can pose as a foremost expert on the lobby for Israel, because I was the target the last three years I was in Congress.”

According to the Mearsheimer and Walt book (“The Israel Lobby,” page 157) Durbin benefited from donations by Jews from around the United States, in particular, concentrated support from AIPAC supporters.

In other words, Durbin was only elected thanks to the Jewish Lobby, and has been their faithful servant in both the House and the Senate ever since—and now that his masters in Tel Aviv need even more American taxpayer’s money to prop up their paranoid racist Jews-only state, they have called on him to pay back for getting him elected.

Thus Durbin’s behavior is an excellent microcosm of how the Jewish Lobby goes to work within the American government.

It finds weak individuals, finances their campaigns, and then through the manipulation of the mass media and smear campaigns against its opponents, ensures that only those who are slaves to Israel are elected to Washington.