Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup
A service of DavidDuke.com
From The Independent
Mullah Omar, creator of the Taliban, is dead…. for the fourth time
From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Obama rallies supporters against ‘billionaire’ opponents of Iran deal
WASHINGTON (JTA) — In a phone call with supporters on Thursday, President Barack Obama characterized opponents of the Iran deal as being backed by “billionaires” and urged listeners to win over “squishy” lawmakers considering opposing the deal.
In the 20-minute phone call with the supporters, invited through an array of liberal organizations backing the deal, Obama said opponents “would be opposed to any deal with Iran.”
He said arguments against the deal are coming “partly from the $20 million that’s being spent lobbying against the bill on TV ads” and “partly from the same columnists and former administration officials that were responsible for us getting into the Iraq war.”
The $20-million figure apparently refers to Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran, a group affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that has raised at least that much for ads to persuade members of Congress to kill the deal.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Israeli diplomat: Don’t count on U.S. Jews to unify against Iran deal
WASHINGTON (JTA) — A top Israeli diplomat in the United States wrote his superiors to warn that they cannot count on the U.S. Jewish community to oppose the Iran nuclear deal.
“At this crucial point of the Iranian issue – which for years has been at the core of Israeli foreign policy and was described countless times by the Israeli leadership as an existential threat – the Jewish community in the United States is not standing as a united front behind Israel and important parts of it are on the fence,” Yaron Sideman, the consul general in Philadelphia, wrote in a memo to Israel’s Foreign Ministry obtained by Haaretz on Thursday.
Sideman quoted a federation CEO as saying that campaigning against the deal could alienate the White House and Democrats, which could inhibit Jewish organizational influence.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee and at least eight regional federations oppose the July 14 sanctions relief for nuclear restrictions deal, heeding Israel’s government, which says the deal endangers Israel.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
N.Y. congresswoman, a Democrat, comes out against Iran deal
WASHINGTON (JTA) — U.S. Rep. Grace Meng, a Democrat who represents a heavily Jewish district in New York City, has come out in opposition to the Iran nuclear deal.
“I believe the inspections procedures set forth are flawed — leading nuclear experts to assert that, pursuant to these procedures, inspectors would not necessarily know whether Iran is manufacturing uranium components for a nuclear weapon,” Meng said in a statement Wednesday, a day after she confronted Secretary of State John Kerry with questions during congressional hearings on the deal.
Meng, who represents a district in the borough of Queens, also expressed concerns in her statement about leaving Iran’s nuclear infrastructure intact and how Iran would use money it received from sanctions relief. The July 14 nuclear deal reached between Iran and six major powers exchanges sanctions relief for nuclear restrictions.
Congress has until mid-to-late September to review the deal. Opponents need two-thirds majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate to override President Barack Obama’s promised veto of any bid to kill the deal, putting much of the focus on Democrats, as Republicans mostly are against the deal.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Israel said to have turned off blacks in Congress, and other Iran deal news
Don’t count on the Black Caucus
Washington Post columnist Colbert King recently rounded up a litany of horrors to explain why the Congressional Black Caucus isn’t going to give Israel the support it needs to kill the international nuclear agreement.
“Should it come to a search for 40 Democratic votes to join the House’s 247 Republicans in voting to override a possible Obama veto of legislation blocking an Iranian deal, don’t look for help from the Congressional Black Caucus. Hostility to the current Israeli leadership is real, and not just among caucus members. Many of their African American constituents are quietly seething, too,” he said.
Among the turn-offs listed by King: Judy Nir-Mozes’ racist tweet about President Barack Obama and Rabbi Shlomo Riskin’s likening of Obama to Haman.
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From PressTV
Israel passes law to OK prisoner force-feeding

The Israeli Knesset has passed a law that allows the force-feeding of prisoners who have gone on hunger strike against their detention.
The Israeli parliament approved the law on Thursday, with 46 of the 120 lawmakers voting in favor and 40 against it.
Under the legislation, a judge will be allowed to sanction the force-feeding of hunger striking prisoners.
Meanwhile, the Israeli opposition party, Joint List, condemned the passage of the “hunger strike law,” saying it violated the rights of Palestinians, who have increasingly been participating in hunger strikes.
“The Knesset approved a law that legalizes torturing of Palestinian prisoners,” the opposition said in response to the law.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
At Berlin’s European Maccabi Games, the past is ever-present
BERLIN (JTA) – Seventy-nine summers after Marty Glickman’s Olympics uniform was rendered as useless as a jilted bride’s wedding dress, his daughter Nancy wore the same uniform to light the cauldron that officially opened the European Maccabi Games here.
Her late father’s removal from the U.S. track team hours before the 4×100 meter relay in the still-standing stadium across from where the opening ceremony took place Tuesday made Nancy Glickman’s act the dramatic climax of a night replete with symbolism as the games graced German turf for the first time.
The parade of some 2,300 Jewish athletes from 36 nations was a demonstration of the Jewish people’s triumph over attempted annihilation, speaker after speaker intoned during the ceremony.
The survival theme held even during the appearance of American Jewish reggae-rap singer Matisyahu, whose “One Day” —“Sometimes in my tears I drown/But I never let it get me down” — was interspersed with an ominously toned recording of the Passover melody “V’hi She’amda,” which proclaims that “in every generation, they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand.”
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Woman demands airline apology after haredi man refuses seat next to her
TORONTO (JTA) — A Canadian woman wants an apology from Porter Airlines after a haredi Orthodox man refused to sit next to her.
Christine Flynn, 31, said she was waiting for her flight from Newark, New Jersey, to Toronto to take off early Monday morning when a haredi Orthodox Jewish man approached, CBC News reported Wednesday.
“He came down the aisle, he didn’t actually look at me … or make eye contact. He turned to the gentleman across the aisle and said, ‘change,’ ” Flynn told the broadcaster.
After the passenger refused to switch seats, the man asked a passenger in the row behind to switch with her, Flynn said, adding that the Jewish man never spoke directly to her or made eye contact. A flight attendant finally found a place for the man to sit, next to another man.
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