
Jewish “Liberalism”?—Not in Israel!

Jewish Supremacists in America—and other European nations—are always at the forefront of “equality” and “anti-racism” initiatives, but back home on the ranch they don’t even grant equal rights to women.

The latest such example has come from an incident at the “Wailing Wall” in Jerusalem, where an attempt by Jewish women to pray at the site resulted in them being arrested by Israeli police.

The incredible incident saw Jewish women from an organization called “Women of the Wall,” whose leader Anat Hoffman was arrested two weeks ago while attempting to conduct a service at the wall and who was later beaten up by Israeli police after being arrested.

Apparently it is illegal for women to pray at the Wailing Wall in terms of some injunction from Jehovah as contained in the Jewish extremist hate book called the Talmud.

The fact that Israeli police intervened and arrested the women trying to pray shows that this overt anti-female discrimination is also formally sanctioned by the Jewish state.

Can you imagine what the uproar in America would be like if Jewish women were barred from the Washington Memorial or any other historical site?

The outcry would be even bigger if such overt anti-female discrimination was unofficially endorsed by American presidents and would-be presidents—as the iimage above of Romney at the Wailing Wall shows.

The supreme hypocrisy of the Jewish Supremacists is clear for all to see: they enforce “equality” with all their might on everyone else, but in the confines of their own environment, apply the most extreme form of discrimination that no-one in the west would even dream about, never mind implement.

One law for us, another law for the Jewish Supremacists. That’s the way they work.