Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery — The Jewish Telegraphic Agency apparently is part of the rapidly growing audience of the David Duke Show. They lambasted “white supremacist David Duke” for accusing the Jewish-dominated media for going after Donald Trump “like a pack of wild dogs” because they see his non-interventionist foreign policy as a threat to the Jewish agenda.
Interestingly, the article states that Dr. Duke has publicly asserted that Jews control the (((Federal Reserve Bank))), the (((U.S. government))) and (((the media))), but doesn’t even go through the pretense of denying these facts.
David Duke blames Trump U controversy on ‘Jewish manipulation of the media’

David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, during a debate with Joe Hicks at Cal State University, Sept. 25, 1996. (Brian Vander Brug/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
(JTA) — White supremacist David Duke blamed the current controversy over Donald Trump’s now defunct unaccredited university on “Jewish manipulation of the American media.”
Duke said Tuesday on his radio show that media coverage of the Trump University case is “very illustrative of the Jewish tribal nature.” Duke also said: “They’re like a pack of wild dogs when they go after someone who they see as a threat to the Jewish agenda, as the neocons see Trump as a threat as a non-interventionist.”
According to Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, an “overwhelmingly Jewish” firm is behind a fraud lawsuit against Trump University. Trump has been slammed for saying he does not believe the judge in the case, an Indiana native of Mexican descent, can be impartial due to Trump’s stated views about building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
He also said “the powerful Jewish establishment that dominates international banking and finance, that dominates media, and dominates our political system” is “absolutely zeroing in now on Donald Trump.”
“The viciousness of these Jews is unbelievable. I think this whole Trump University case really exploited, can really expose the entire Jewish manipulation of the American media, the American political process,” Duke said.
Duke singled out CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, who is Jewish, for leading the attack on Trump, as well as the network’s host Jake Tapper, also Jewish, and pointed out the network is run by Jeff Zucker, who he called “another Jewish extremist.”
In February, Duke endorsed Trump on his radio program, telling his listeners to volunteer for and vote for Trump.
In an interview days after the endorsement on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Trump told host Jake Tapper: “Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, OK? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”
Trump disavowed the endorsement hours after the “State of the Union” interview, for the second time in three days, after refusing to do so on the program.
Duke has publicly asserted that Jews control the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. government and the media.