Jewish Supremacism

ISIS Beheadings and the Zio-Madness Behind US Foreign Policy

The latest outrageous ISIS mass murder in Syria—which included that of American aid worker Peter Kassig—has shocked the world, but can only be understood in the context of Jewish Supremacist control of American foreign policy which is always geared to putting Israel’s interests first.


There can be no doubt in any rational person’s mind that the “good guys” in the Syrian conflict are the government and the Syrian Army.

Firstly, Syria is a democratic state with multi-party elections. In the 2012 elections, for example, no less than 9 different political parties were elected to the Parliament, not including a large number of independents.

Secondly, the Syrian government has always been pro-Western, and secular. The government is supported by all the country’s main religious groups and has always been a stable state, under the leadership of a western-educated medical doctor.

The “rebels” on the other hand, are, as the latest video has once again convincingly shown, are a band of murderous, intolerant, religious fanatics, whose bloodthirsty members have been collected from the extremist underworlds of numerous foreign—non-Syrian—countries, headed up and led initially by the Al-Nusra front, which was an Al-Qaeda offshoot.

Faced with such a “conflict,” any rational, reasonable person would instinctively know that the Syrian government should be supported in suppressing the “rebels”—and under normal circumstances, this would have been the case.

However, the US government—and its “allies” in some other western nations—chose exactly the opposite path. Instead of supporting the Syrian government, the Obama administration, followed by the British government and some other states, threw everything they had—money, weapons, logistics—into backing the “rebels” in Syria, even though it was clear from the very beginning that these groups were murderous barbarians who were allied to Al-Qaeda.


Now, thanks to this US-led aid, the entire rebel movement has been strengthened and ha snow morphed into ISIS, or “Islamic State” as they now prefer to be called, having seized large parts of both Syria and Iraq.

Why would the US government military and financially back its own sworn enemies in Syria?

Why would the US government continue to boycott and pressurize the Syrian government—which is the only force standing between the complete subjugation of Syria and Iraq by these murderous extremists?

Why would the US government be supplying the Iraqi government with military aid against ISIS in Iraq—but supplying the same ISIS-dominated “rebels” with military aid against the Syrian government—especially when the ISIS which operates in Iraq is the same ISIS which operates in Syria?


What drives American foreign policy to act in such a contradictory and self-defeating manner?


There is only one way in which this contradictory, and, frankly, insane, policy can be understood: and that is the influence of the Jewish Lobby in determining American foreign policy.

As has been explained many times—and even admitted openly by Jewish sources themselves—the American legislature is completely under the thumb of AIPAC. No member of Congress or of the Senate can even hope to be elected unless that have obtained the sanction—and financial backing of the Jewish Lobby.

And, if once elected, they dare stray from their subservience to jewfish interests and a policy of Israel First, they are quickly punished by the Jewish Supremacist controlled mass media smear machine, and they will quickly find that they have well-financed “opponents” come re-election time.

Thus, America’s foreign policy is always determined by what is in Israel’s interests, and not what is in America’s interests.

This is the reason why American taxpayers hand over in excess of $3 billion a year in “aid” to Israel—even though that nation has no strategic value to the US.

This unswerving support for Israel is the reason why American military forces become involved in conflicts in the Middle East that have nothing to do with America—and which generate intense hatred for Americans all over the world.

This Jewish Supremacist control of the US government is the reason why America invades Muslim countries—such as Iraq—and why it threatens nations such as Iran. America is only “enemies” with these nations because of one reason and one reason only: they are hostile to the Jews-only racist state of Israel.

It does not matter how secular Saddam Hussein was. It does not matter how pro-Western he was.

It does not matter how secular Syria is, and it does not matter how pro-Western Basheer Assad is.

All that matters is that Hussein and Assad were critical of Israel, and not prepared to accept the racist, murderous, Zionist occupation of Palestine.

For that “sin,” both these nations have been earmarked for destruction, as the Zio-fanatics spelled out in detail in their 1996 Israeli government policy document “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.”

That report, drawn up by Zio-Supremacists led by Richard Perle (who “somehow”  became chairman of the US Defense Departments “Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee” under George W. Bush) specifically listed Iraq and Syria as the main enemies of Israel which have to be overthrown to guarantee the Zionist state’s security.

Thus it becomes clear why the US government supported the “rebels” in Syria—for the same reason they invaded Iraq even though there was no reason to accuse Hussein of involvement in the attacks of 9-11, or of having “weapons of mass destruction.”


The only driver of American foreign policy is to support Israel’s long term strategic interests. As the Zio-Supremacists spelled out in their “Clean Break” policy document, both Iraq and Syria have to be reduced to chaos.

In this aim, they have now nearly succeeded—directly because of their ability to control American foreign policy.

There is no other explanation for the almost psychotic behavior of the US government in this regard: to “fight ISIS” by “supplying the rebels” who “oppose Assad” is a completely contradictory policy. In effect, it means supplying an Al-Qaeda-allied “rebel” army, which is actively murdering Americans—just because the Syrian government, which it is also fighting, has an anti-Zionist foreign policy.

So the next time you see Americans being murdered by ISIS, the next time you hear of a mass murder campaign by ISIS, the next time you hear of yet another bloody massacre, don’t forget that it has all been made possible through the Zionist manipulation and control of American foreign policy—and nothing else.