Dr Duke and Dr Slattery – Jews make up lie that Columbus was a Jew to promote themselves. Now Jews claim he not Jewish but a White supremacist!
Politics Radio Show

Dr Duke and Dr Slattery – Jews make up lie that Columbus was a Jew to promote themselves. Now Jews claim he not Jewish but a White supremacist!


Todays show exposes how Jews are constantly changing their own narrative when it comes to advance Jewish power and influence in America.

When America loved Columbus, whose legacy, a number of Jews were telling us how Columbus was proof how wonderful Jews are. Now that the Jewish media elite have successfully demonized Columbus as a “racist,” who they repeatedly demonized in major films and books,  Jews now say that Columbus certainly Jewish.

Christopher Columbus was celebrated by all Americans for his role for connecting the immense Western Hemisphere with the known world. His discovery of a relatively short route to the unknown Western Hemisphere enabled the march of Western Civilization to the Western Hemisphere the creation of the the United States, the leading European populated nation in the world.

Listen to Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery deconstruct the Jewish lies about Christopher (which means Christ Bearer) Columbus and have an incredible interesting discussion on other key issues of the day!

Note from staff: Trump on CNN’s Larry King Show in 1991 discussed David Duke getting 55 percent of the White vote. Trump said David Duke is going to get a lot of votes if he runs for President! He knew then that Duke’s platform was a a winning platform. Trump great failing is not to take on the Jewish power structure. He could have educated the world on the greatest threat to White people and all people in the world: Jewish Globalism. Trump has to know his destroyers who impeached him and savaged him and had a Jew D’ tat takeover of the government were completely led by the Jewish media and Jewish members of Congress such as Schiff, Nadler, Engel as well as Schumer in the Senate and every part of impeachment was Jews. But he keeps giving them lip service which is exactly the wrong thing to do. We cannot defeat these destroyers unless we educate the people who the real supremacist and ultimate racists are : the Jewish supremacists who are leading America and the world to disaster! here’s some links”

Communism is happening in America. Kill communism!!! Make it extinct.
1991: Larry King asks Donald Trump about David Duke



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Click here and look for the show dated 9-30-21 Our show is aired live at 11 AM Eastern Time (US) & is replayed at 4 PM Eastern Time.  Share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line.