
Democrat Delegates Clearly Vote Against Jerusalem, But Villaraigosa Says Two-Thirds Voted “Aye”

By James Buchanan. An article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports “…Democrats hurriedly rewrote their convention platform Wednesday to add a mention of God and declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel after President Barack Obama intervened to order the changes.”

“The embarrassing reversal was compounded by chaos and uncertainty on the convention floor. Three times Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the convention chairman, called for a voice vote on the changes and each time the yes and no votes seemed to balance each other out. On the third attempt, Villaraigosa ruled the amendments were approved — triggering boos from many in the audience.

Anyone who listens to the voice vote can clearly hear that the vote not only missed a two-thirds approval, but the “No” vote was louder than the “Aye” vote, the third time around.

Israel wants the nations of the world to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel instead of Tel Aviv as a de facto endorsement of their stealing the entire city, which was supposed to be split with Arab natives, whose families had lived there for centuries.

The voice vote can be heard in the youtube below: