
Jewish Supremacists Get Special Protection after Causing Terrorist Threat

Jewish Supremacists in America are being given special taxpayer-funded protection by the Department of Homeland Security—after that community’s  control of U.S. foreign policy caused the terrorist threat in the first place.

According to news reports, about “50 high-ranking federal and state law enforcement officials met with an equal number of leading American Jewish officials for their first ‘table top’ threat exercise.”

The Joint Department of Homeland Security – American Jewish Community Table Top Exercise, held Wednesday at an unnamed location in Rosslyn, Va., was “designed to identify gaps in information sharing, to share best practices and to push security concerns throughout the American Jewish community.”

The “terrorist threat” to Jewish communities—and indeed all of America and Americans—has been caused by Jewish Supremacist control of U.S. foreign policy which has pushed this nation into illegal catastrophic wars in the Middle East, and backed the racist Zionist Supremacist state of Israel in its abuses against the Palestinians.

As result, America has engendered the hatred of the Muslim world, which has given Islamic extremists the opportunity to wage war against the U.S., as exemplified by the 9-11 attacks and other incidents.

Now, in a further display of chutzpah, the Jewish Supremacists have inveigled the U.S. taxpayer to devote time and money to the “protection” of the Jewish community.

“This was not just another briefing,” Paul Goldenberg, national director of the Jewish Federations of North America’s Secure Community Network, told JTA. “This milestone event was to have the highest level national leaders together in a room for five hours with senior Jewish leaders so we know going out of that room what we need to know what to do to go forward.”

The program began with a current threat assessment by government officials and then simulated potential threats. It featured participants in an amphitheater-style room where they watched law enforcement coordinate responses to two particular scenarios: multiple attacks on Israeli and Jewish communities throughout the Diaspora, and then on Jewish institutions in the United States.

“I’ve got to tell you it didn’t take much prodding to get questions,” William Flynn, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Infrastructure Protection, United States Department of Homeland Security, told JTA.

The Department of Homeland Security has helped coordinate security in recent months at the Maccabi Games in Houston, New York, and Memphis, Tenn., he added.

See also: DHS Gives 97% of Non-profit Grants to Jewish Groups