Jewish Supremacism

Abraham Foxman of the ADL: Jewish Supremacist

Abraham Foxman, a Jewish supremacist for Israel and multiculturalist for America.

Abraham Foxman: Jewish Supremacist
story by Jeff Hooks — introduction and commetns by David Duke

If Jewish supremacist hypocrisy is not obvious to every last Gentile as well as every truly fair-minded Jewish person, the following article should make it crystal clear. The ADL is the leading organization fostering multiculturalism and multiracialism for America. It condemns any Gentile who opposes interracial marriage. For instance, it roundly condemned Bob Jones Christian University for opposing interracial and inter-religious dating and marriage. But, as the following article reveals, the head of the ADL was recently busy over in Apartheid Israel speaking against Jewish intermarriage with Gentiles. Of course, there will not be any outrage about this, no journalistic exposés about this in America’s Jewish-dominated press. The only ways for you to learn about his actions are from Jewish publications or from and other Internet sites that Foxman and his ADL work to filter and ultimately close down. Read carefully the following article by Jeff Hook and let the reality of Jewish supremacism and hypocrisy sink in! –dd

“They say, but they do not do what they say” — Jesus Christ

An interview with ADL national director Abraham Foxman took place about two and a half weeks ago in Jerusalem. Portions were today published in the newspaper’s online edition.

Foxman warns of “intermarriage” and tells of the need to — in his words — “stop our bleeding now.” Foxman also warns that only 29 percent of Jewish children in the United Stated attend private Jewish schools and yeshivas.

He proposes two solutions: That Israel invest in Jewish education with the money it receives from American Jews; and that young American Jews be given free trips to Israel.

According to Foxman, $70 million should be invested each year in Jewish education in the United States — in expanding the infrastructure and in tuition subsidies. “You could double the percentage of Jewish children receiving Jewish education,” he says.

Foxman recommends that 30 percent of all money raised should be invested in programs to bring young Jews to Israel, with initiatives such as Birthright Israel or Masa (“Journey”), the new program by the Jewish Agency. “We have developed the most exciting audio-visual Jewish identity program that anybody could dream of, and it is called Israel,” Foxman says. “We know it works. This is the tourniquet. If you send 100 kids here, one third will be Zionists forever. That’s a pretty good investment for $5,000.”

Foxman’s racist attitudes about Jews mixing with non-Jews — in bed and in school — may seem strange to new National Vanguard readers. After all, isn’t it the ADL that provides mandatory “diversity training” for pre-school teachers all across America?

Yes it is. In fact, in 2003 B’nai Brith launched a new program “targeting children ages 3 to 5” — their words. It’s called The Miller Early Childhood Initiative.

The program, proudly described by them as “the first of its kind,” subjects toddlers to political indoctrination specifically designed to eliminate all feelings of racial kinship and loyalty, and to [in the minds of the children] equate such feelings with ‘hatred’ and ‘bigotry.’

“Research and experience show that, by the preschool age, many children have begun to acquire negative attitudes about others,” Jewess Melissa Morgan told reporters last year. Morgan is project director for ADL’s new program. “These feelings need to be addressed so children can develop positive bias-free attitudes,” she said.

Linda Santora, director of ADL’s early childhood education programs, proudly announced that the lessons shall be “incorporated into the children’s normal classroom activities.” She adds, “There’s a song children can sing that encourages them to stand up for other children when they see them being excluded.”

The ADL operatives utilize activity guides featuring ‘Sesame Street’ characters so as to make it more palatable. “Tolerance, forgiveness and acceptance are at the very depth of making change in the world,” said Jewess Marlene Canter, an ADL board member.

Of course, Foxman’s Miller Early Childhood Initiative program is strictly for gentile consumption. The Miller program doesn’t create children who will be “Zionists forever.”

The above article reveals Abraham Foxman’s devotion to apartheid Israel and Jewish tribalism. If you still have any doubts about Jewish supremacist hypocrisy go to the ADL site and read the agenda that his ADL lobbies for in America. Presented the evidence, how can the reasoned individual NOT recognize the enormous scam going on in the United States, where the Jewish Lobby is completely fleecing the American public supposingly fighting ethnic intolerance while actually supporting a sinister and hypocritical Jewish ethnocentrism?

In the U.S., the diversity / “tolerance” game is a creation of the Jewish Lobby for protecting Jewish racism, spectacular Jewish power, and Zionist expansionism because it has become virtually illegal to criticize Jews at any level. Everywhere “tolerance” of the powerful Jewish tribe has transformed to naked censorship. On one hand heralding “diversity” and the rest of it in the American cultural/political milieu, this very chief of the ADL completely changes his colors when it comes to his own tribal kind, and the world Jewish umbilical cord across the world that he clutches so obsessively.]

Here is an excerpt of a typical piece you can find on the ADL website:

Teaching children to value difference,
Anti-Defamation League

“The initiative works to prevent, before they have a chance to take hold, those actions and beliefs that foster hate in preschoolers. It works with educators and family members — along with Sesame Workshop — to encourage children to not only respect, but to embrace our differences and resist bigotry in all forms.”

[NOTE: merely the starting point to grasp this grotesque ADL hypocrisy is that Israel is expressly an apartheid state for JEWS (Arabs are treated like animals) and no one else is allowed to move there, including dispossessed Palestinian Arabs.]

Below is one more in the continuing story of Jewish Apartheid. (What makes it more acceptable than Afrikaner Apartheid?) — dd

More Jewish anti-“tolerant”, anti-Christian, anti-Armenian bigotry in apartheid Israel. (Armenians celebrate Christmas in January).]

AZG Armenian Daily, January 15, 2005

“NBC News broadcast on December 22nd a report on the exodus of Christians from the Holy Land. More than half the Christian population or 60,000 have left Israel in the past 50 years. Bethlehem has the largest Christian population –around 27,000. Surrounded by physical barriers, including concrete roadblocks, Israeli military checkpoints, dirt mounds and a soon to be completed security wall, the ‘little town of Bethlehem’ of Christmas songs is “an isolated, stagnant and depressing place,” NBC reported. “Israeli soldiers on foot patrol, in jeeps and in watchtowers monitor and restrict almost all pedestrian and vehicle traffic in and out of town.” Bethlehem’s Christian Mayor, Hannah Nasser, is so dejected with all the restrictions placed on his town that he told NBC: “If Joseph and Mary tried to come today, Israeli soldiers would check their papers, rummage through their baggage and rudely turn them away.” NBC cited the predicament of Karnig Balekdjian as an example of the discriminatory treatment of Christians by Israeli officials. Balekdjian, a 30-year-old native of Jerusalem who worked at the Armenian Patriarchate, could not celebrate Christmas this year with his family. He was forced to leave Israel because government officials would not allow his 26-year-old bride, Yvette Iskandarian, to come to Jerusalem to be with her husband. NBC reported that Yvette couldn’t even visit Karnig let alone live with him, because she is from Iran. Israel bars individuals born in “hostile countries,” but Jews from these same countries can freely visit Israel and immigrate without any problem, according to NBC.

Balekdjian had applied to the Israeli Interior Ministry, but to no avail. “I went to the Interior Ministry twice a week for a year, most times I couldn’t even get through the door,” he told NBC News. “My wife is not a Muslim, not a terrorist, not a threat to Israel. Yet as Christians we’re not allowed to live here.” The Armenian Patriarchate was even willing to sponsor his wife with a job offer, but Israeli officials said no. The most distressing part of this story is that there is no Armenian agency anywhere in the world that an Armenian with a grievance can turn to. Here is a young man whose most basic rights were violated, and yet no one is interested in defending him. Armenian officials and organizations, by showing no interest in the plight of fellow Armenians, are clearly indicating to all foreign authorities that they can do as they please with their Armenian subjects: there would be no complaints and no repercussions. Everyone else may be enjoying Christmas and the New Year holidays, but Karnig Balekdjian is in no mood to celebrate!”

Ironically, I will be the one accused of racism, supremacism and anti-Semitism because I dare to expose Jewish supremacism and Jewish hypocrisy. If the the thrust of Jewish support for race-mixing in America is not a con, then why don’t the leading Jewish advocates of diversity for America denounce Israel, the ADL and Abe Foxman? The truth is that for the extremely ethnocentric Jewish populations around the world, diversity in their host countries is a weapon used to advance their own supremacy!

In Jewish Supremacism I document Jewish leaders and thinkers saying precisely that in unmistakable language. Promoting ethnic diversity and multiculturalism increases their power in nations where their unity and organization is thus enhanced.

I know it is hard for liberals (and many conservatives) to swallow the idea that their devotion to diversity and multi-culturalism has been instilled in them as nothing more than a con by a Jewish supremacist media seeking to increase Jewish power. Certainly, that may sound fantastic to many reading this, but you can read it the own words of the Jewish supremacists thoroughly documented in my book Jewish Supremacism. — David Duke

Sources include:

Jeff Hooks story that appeared on
And my commentary is partially my own and partially that of