
Is Israel a Bigger Threat than Iran?

By Jeff Davis. There can be no doubt that Zionists are quite willing to destroy all of civilization, rather than be forced to stop occupying the nation of Palestine. The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reports: “Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Friday the world must quickly stop Iran from reaching the point where even a surgical military strike could not block it from obtaining nuclear weapons.

“Amid fears that Israel is nearing a decision to attack Iran’s nuclear program, Barak said tougher international sanctions are needed against Tehran’s oil and banks so that ‘we all will know early enough whether the Iranians are ready to give up their nuclear weapons program.’”

“’We are determined to prevent Iran from turning nuclear. And even the American president and opinion leaders have said that no option should be removed from the table and Iran should be blocked from turning nuclear,’ Barak old reporters during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. ‘It seems to us to be urgent, because the Iranians are deliberately drifting into what we call an immunity zone where practically no surgical operation could block them,’ he said.”

The Zionists are stilling threatening to attack Iran, and every week there’s a new alarmist story in the mainstream media by some Zionist warmonger.

One article describes Israel’s Samson Option: “‘Masada was not an example to follow–it hurt the Romans not a whit, but Sampson in Gaza? With an H-bomb? What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens?’ (so says) David Perlmutter in (the) Los Angeles Times.”

“The United States government and foreign policy under George W. Bush is run by neoconservatives tightly linked to Israel’s right wing Likud Party… Both groups desire to re-make the Middle East, in large part to make it safer for Israel to keep and even expand the large portion of its land it has illegally confiscated through state terrorism and military conquest over the last 60 years. And the Democrats aren’t much better.”

“However, Americans should consider carefully Israel’s nuclear weapons and its threats to use them if the United States ever withdraws its full backing or if Israel’s possession of its stolen lands is ever seriously endangered. Threats include retaliatory — or even preemptive — attacks on Muslim, Russian and even European targets.”

So our “great ally” Israel is threatening to mass murder Europeans if their occupation of Palestine ever falls apart. Does this sound like a nation we should be supporting or a nation we should be trying to disarm of its nuclear weapons?