There once was a time, not that long ago, when heroic Christian preachers would lead the charge in confronting the evil forces that were threatening mankind. In his sermon below poplular Radio Priest Father Coughlin takes on the persecution of Jews and Christians in Europe during the 1930s and earned the label “anti-Semite” for his efforts. Many believe this accusation (from the usual suspects) was inaccurate. Was Father Coughlin an anti-Semite or simply a concerned man of God? We resurrect this long lost radio sermon from November 20, 1938 and leave you to decide — admin:
Persecution — Jewish and Christian
By Father Charles E. Coughlin
Historic 1938 Broadcast, (or here)
Transcript: Good afternoon my friends. At long last, a calloused world has come in personal contact with a persecution which it understands. At long last, it appears that the better sympathies of an indifferent citizenry are aroused to protest against the mad injustices now being meted out to a minority people resident abroad.
This afternoon bear with me while I add my voice in protest against persecution — that murderous weapon of hatred; bear with me while I endeavor to trace to its lair the fanged serpent of hatred whose sting has struck once again to spew poison and deal out death over the face of the earth — a fanged serpent which, on every previous occasion, has beat a slimy retreat to rest in security until appropriate conditions summoned it to emerge and repeat its devastation.
This time a united world must shatter the cruel weapon of persecution. This time we must assault hatred so that never again will it lift its head to assault us.
Thus, I shall ask an intelligent audience composed of intelligent Christians and intelligent Jews: “Why is there persecution in Germany today? How can we destroy it?”
Before attempting to answer these questions, permit me to review for the uninformed members of this audience the chief incidents immediately preceding the latest manifestations of persecution suffered by thoughsands of innocent Jews, natives of Germany; a persecution which, fortunately for all, has received a superabundance of publicity both at home and abroad.
A few days ago, a young Polish-Jew fired a shot that was heard around the world. Because his Polish-Jewish parents were dismissed from Germany by an order issued by the Nazi government, expelling all foreign-born Jews from the Reich, this frenzied youth murdered a German public official in Paris…

Father Coughlin’s Shrine of the Little Flower
[There are two slightly different audio versions of this broadcast, the version posted at the top of the page was remastered for improved audio quality, included in the file is an exerpt from Father Coughlin’s 11/27/1938 sermon where he addresses critics of his 11/20/1938 broadcast, also included is an exerpt from a 1978 Father Coughlin interview on the Howard Miller Program. Below is the “Am I An Anti-Semite?” booklet version which includes an additional audio segment covered in the booklet, see transcript at source link below.]
Transcript Source: Am I An Anti-Semite?