Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup
A service of DavidDuke.com
From The Times of Israel
Trump to announce VP pick on Friday
Leading the list of likely candidates are Mike Pence, Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich
By AFP July 14, 2016, 6:00 am
WASHINGTON — White House hopeful Donald Trump will announce his pick for vice president in New York Friday, he said on Twitter, as speculation runs rampant over a handful of potential running mates.
Among those believed to be at the top of the Republican’s list are Indiana Governor Mike Pence, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
“I will be making the announcement of my Vice Presidential pick on Friday at 11am in Manhattan. Details to follow,” the 70-year-old real estate mogul posted on Twitter late Wednesday.
In an interview earlier in the day with Fox News, Trump said that he had narrowed the field down to “three, potentially four, but in my own mind, I probably am thinking about two.”
I will be making the announcement of my Vice Presidential pick on Friday at 11am in Manhattan. Details to follow.
From Ynet News
Canadian PM cries during tour of Nazi death camps
From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
German police raid 60 purveyors of anti-Semitic, other internet hate postings
BERLIN (JTA) — Police in 14 German states reportedly conducted raids on 60 individuals in an attempt to root out the sources of anti-Semitic and other hate postings on the internet.
The raids on Wednesday marked the first time that Germany has conducted a nationwide hunt for internet hate purveyors, according to German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière, who said he hoped the operations would send a strong message that criminals cannot hide from the law in the seemingly anonymous internet.
According to German news reports, the raids followed months of observing one Facebook group that glorified National Socialism and broke German laws against promoting hate.
Suspects were accused of posting anti-Semitic, extremist and xenophobic messages, including denial of or relativizing the Holocaust, celebrating aspects of National Socialism and using Nazi symbolism, and calling for attacks on refugees and politicians. Evidence was seized at several locations.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Choice for Israeli army’s chief rabbi renounces statements on rape
JERUSALEM (JTA) — The choice for chief rabbi of the Israel Defense Forces renounced statements he made a decade ago that appeared to justify rape during wartime.
Col. Eyal Karim, 59, was nominated Monday by the IDF’s chief of staff, Gadi Eisenkot.
The following day he was summoned to the IDF Personnel Directorate over statements he made in Hebrew on a religious website a decade ago that came to light in 2012.
Replying to a reader’s question on the Kipa website, Karim said: “Although intercourse with a female gentile is very grave, it was permitted during wartime (under the conditions it stipulated) out of consideration for the soldiers’ difficulties. And since our concern is the success of the collective in the war, the Torah permitted [soldiers] to satisfy the evil urge under the conditions it stipulated for the sake of the collective’s success.”
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Why infertility is a Jewish issue — and what we can do about it
Matan and Michelle Ben-Aviv with their children Charlie, left, and Samuel, who were conceived with the aid of in-vitro fertilization. Inspired by their journey, the couple launched the Making Miracle Babies Fertility Fund. (Courtesy of Michelle Ben-Aviv)
MIAMI (JTA) — Growing up, I always dreamed of being a mom. Even as a kid I would brainstorm baby names, tell my dolls bedtime stories and swear that I would be a cool mom and let them eat cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I had it all planned out, down to the soccer jerseys and frilly dresses my future children would wear.
It all seemed easy enough — until it wasn’t.
When my husband Matan and I experienced difficulty getting pregnant, we worried that our lifelong dream of becoming parents might never happen.
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From The Times of Israel
Former Netanyahu chief of staff grilled on suspicions against PM
Ari Harow, a longtime adviser and campaign manager for the PM and Likud, detained by police upon landing at Ben Gurion
By Times of Israel staff July 14, 2016, 9:29 am
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s former chief of staff Ari Harow was detained by police at Ben Gurion Airport Thursday morning and taken in for questioning, reportedly in connection with a corruption investigation against the prime minister.
In December, he was questioned by police under caution for a “range” of offenses he was suspected to have committed while working in the Prime Minister’s Office. But on Thursday, investigators in the Israel Police’s 433 high-profile crimes interrogated Harow about suspected corruption by Netanyahu himself, Israel Radio reported.
The Los Angeles-born Harow was appointed chief of staff of the PMO in 2014, serving there for a year before leaving to run the 2015 election campaign for Netanyahu’s Likud party.
He first worked for Netanyahu as foreign affairs adviser during his spell as leader of the opposition. He then spearheaded the 2009 election campaign that catapulted Netanyahu back to office. Following the election, he served as the prime minister’s bureau chief until 2010, managing the prime minister’s schedule and advising him on a range of issues.
In 2010, between his stints in the PMO, Harow founded 3H Global, an international government relations firm based in Israel. According to the company’s website, the firm was founded “to help governments, NGOs and businesses.”
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From PressTV
Turkey aims to develop good relations with Syria, Iraq: PM Yildirim
Wed Jul 13, 2016 7:14AM
Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim says his country aims to develop good relations with Syria and Iraq.
Yildirim’s comments during a live broadcast on television on Wednesday came as he was speaking about the need for Turkey to boost its diplomatic ties in the region.
Since taking office in May, Yildirim has repeatedly said that Turkey needs to “increase its friends and decrease its enemies,” an apparent tacit admission that past policies have left Ankara sidelined.
“It is our greatest and irrevocable goal: Developing good relations with Syria and Iraq, and all our neighbors that surround the Mediterranean and the Black Sea,” Yildirim said.
The apparent change of policy comes in the wake of recent Turkish efforts to warm relations with Russia which is a key supporter of the Syrian government.
“We normalized relations with Russia and Israel. I’m sure we will normalize relations with Syria as well,” Yildirim said.
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From PressTV
Israel conducted drone raids in Egypt’s Sinai: Report
Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:48AM
A former high-ranking Israeli official says Israel has carried out numerous drone strikes purportedly against militants in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula with Egyptian consent over the past few years, implying close cooperation between Tel Aviv and Cairo.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Bloomberg news network on Monday that the attacks were being carried out with the blessing and consent of the Egyptian government.
The Sinai Peninsula has been under a state of emergency since October 2014, following a deadly terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 33 soldiers.
Over the past years, militants have been carrying out anti-government activities and deadly attacks, taking advantage of the turmoil caused in Egypt after democratically-elected President Mohamed Morsi was ousted by the military in July 2013.
Velayat Sinai terrorists have carried out most of the attacks, mainly targeting the army and police.
In November 2014, the group pledged allegiance to the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group, which is mainly wreaking havoc in Iraq and Syria.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Former pro football player posting anti-Semitic tweets again
MONTREAL (JTA) — A former professional football player fined a year ago by the Canadian Football League for anti-Semitic tweets is still posting such material.
Khalif Mitchell, apparently referring to the controversy surrounding a Donald Trump posting, recently tweeted that “the real tribes of Israel would never use a demonic Star of David, only devils would.”
Mitchell, a former defensive tackle for the Montreal Alouettes and two other CFL teams, also tweeted that the late Elie Wiesel was a “thief of the holy people” and referred to Jews as “those devils posing as God’s people …”
A retweet by Mitchell, who once played for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League, referred to the “Hollowcost” as “a lie.”
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Canadian political leader is ‘torn’ over resolution endorsing BDS
TORONTO (JTA) — The leader of Canada’s Green Party is “torn” over two Israel-related resolutions to be debated at the party’s convention next month.
One resolution to be reviewed by party members meeting in Ottawa in August would endorse the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. The second calls on the party to pursue revoking the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund of Canada.
Regarding the two measures, “I am honestly torn,” party leader Elizabeth May wrote earlier this month in a letter to the Victoria Times-Colonist newspaper.
“I, along with all Greens, denounce anti-Semitism in all its forms,” May wrote. “I support unequivocally the right of the State of Israel to exist. I also have deep sympathies with the plight of the Palestinian people, and I find the illegal expansion of settlements on the West Bank deeply concerning.”
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Donald Trump sues former adviser for allegedly sharing dirt with media
Sam Nunberg (Screenshot from YouTube)
(JTA) — Donald Trump has filed a $10 million lawsuit against a former campaign adviser, Sam Nunberg.
The presumptive presidential Republican nominee is alleging that Nunberg, who was fired last August for racially offensive Facebook posts, may have violated his confidentiality agreement in statements to the media, an unnamed source confirmed to Mic on Wednesday.
The Trump campaign has yet to comment on the lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court or its allegations, but court documents obtained by The Associated Press indicated a connection with a May 2015 New York Post story in which an insider reveals details of an affair between campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks and former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
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From The Times of Israel
Republicans okay platform excluding ‘two-state’ language
Party committee unanimously votes to omit references to a Palestinian state alongside Israel as solution to conflict
By Ron Kampeas July 12, 2016, 11:49 pm
WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Republican Party’s Platform Committee unanimously agreed to language on Israel that omits references to a two-state solution — a change that came with little resistance from AIPAC.
The committee meeting Tuesday in Cleveland voted on the language approved Monday by its national security subcommittee. A voice vote carried only “ayes” and no votes against, earning the sponsor of the language, Alan Clemmons, a representative in the South Carolina State House, a standing ovation from other delegates.
The two-state concept has long been a pillar of both Democratic and Republican policy in the region, and a stated policy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, although not of his government.
For decades it has also been a mainstay of pro-Israel activism and of the pro-Israel lobby, including its leader, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Yet in contrast with 2012, when AIPAC reportedly opposed the language, this year it did not offer resistance and praised the platform.
“The US seeks to assist in the establishment of comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East, to be negotiated among those living in the region,” the platform says.
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From PressTV
Israel approves building 90 settler units in East al-Quds
The Israeli regime has approved the construction of 90 illegal settler units in the occupied East al-Quds (Jerusalem) in apparent defiance of international calls to end such unauthorized activities in the Palestinian territories.
Israeli media reported that the construction permit for the illegal Gilo settlement was granted on Wednesday.
The development came a few days after Tel Aviv approved plans to construct 800 new housing units for settlers in and around East al-Quds.
According to reports, 560 and 140 units will be built in the illegal settlements of Ma’ale Adumim and Ramot, respectively. Another 100 will also be constructed in the Har Homa (Jabal Abu Ghneim) and Pisgat Zeev settlements.
The presence and continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestine has created a major obstacle for the efforts to establish peace in the Middle East.
Over half a million Israelis live in more than 230 illegal settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank including East al-Quds.
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