Dr Duke & Dr Slattery — ZioRapper Nicki Minaj makes dozens of sick, violent, drug and sex videos no problem — only Ziomedia promotion! But, one word questioning the killler Vaxx and she’s called a demon!
Radio Show

Dr Duke & Dr Slattery — ZioRapper Nicki Minaj makes dozens of sick, violent, drug and sex videos no problem — only Ziomedia promotion! But, one word questioning the killler Vaxx and she’s called a demon!



Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery continue their coverage of the Nicki Minaj sheeeeeit, which actually becomes a launching pad for the most concise and insightful analysis of the who Coronapocalypse. 

Will TOTALLY REAL President Joseph R. Biden keep his campaign promise to stop these Jews’ malarkey? 

‘Cause dese be our values ‘n sheeeit!

Have you subscribed to Dr. Duke’s Gab channel? If you haven’t, you really should. Also, he has a telegram channel

Be sure to check out Dr. Duke’s Bitchute and BRAND NEW Odysee acounts. Here are a couple of recent videos: 

Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Respond to Attack by HBO and John Oliver on David Duke and Tucker Carlson (odysee.com)

ZioMedia Incites massive violence against White people in America (odysee.com)

Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:  

P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 Thank you.  

Click here and look for the show dated 9-16-21 Our show is aired live at 11 AM Eastern Time (US) & is replayed at 4 PM Eastern Time.  Share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line.