Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery talked about what’s really happening with the energy and environment situation. Unfortunately, Tucker Carlson has been a leading voice in scapegoating wind turbines for the entirety of the problem in Texas, completely ignoring weather-related failures of gas and coal power plants and missing the point that our entire energy industry (not just wind and solar) have always been heavily subsidized by taxpayers. He also somehow linked the power outages to his brutal anti-China agenda. “The Chinks are killing our songbirds!” he squealed.
Next the good doctors took a step back and looked at how the agricultural revolution of antiquity and the industrial revolution of recent centuries made civilization possible but also relied on practices that are ultimately unsustainable. Finally, they tied the hijacking of the environmental movement to the overall attack on European mankind, which is having a devastating impact on all of humanity. This is a truly interesting and unique show that you will not want to miss. Please share it widely.

P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 Thank you.