Dr. Duke and Mark Collett: Goldman Sachs & Zionist Power over the BBC and World Media!
Radio Show

Dr. Duke and Mark Collett: Goldman Sachs & Zionist Power over the BBC and World Media!


Dr. Duke and Patriotic Alternative leader Mark Collett of the U.K. talked about what democracy is supposed to be and how Jewish tribalists continue to expand their domination of the media, as a Goldman Sachs bigwig becomes the new head of the BBC.

The Zionist Controlled Media and Establishment loves and supports Israel, but they have exactly the opposite policies for all other nations. Israel does NOT ALLOW Homosexual Marriage in Israel, but the Jewish Elite and Media supports it in every Western Nation. They even don’t allow kids to visit with homosexual partner’s of a parent. Jews are supreme in the sick Pornography industry, but make Jews publicly register in Israel to get it (a powerful deterrent).

While Israel bans even bikini clad women in TV commercials – Jewish Hollywood and Broadcasing in America floods the media with sexual degeneracy. While Jewish Internet Giants have no problem with vile pornography, nor do credit card companies, they work to suppress free speech and bankrupt  those who dare to point out the ethnic identity of the porn kings! Of course they have no problem identifying “Russian” efforts to affect America, Jewish efforts are verboten!

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Click here and look for the show dated 2-19-21 Our show is aired live at 11 AM Eastern Time (US) & is replayed at 4 PM Eastern Time.  Share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line.