
The Jewish-Leftist War on Christianity Continues

Seattle Commissars Wants to Call Easter Eggs “Spring Spheres” by James Buchanan. A recent news article reports “A Seattle school renamed Easter eggs ‘Spring Spheres,’ in an effort to make the eggs non-religious symbols…. Seattle Public Schools spokesperson Teresa Wippel said in a Seattle PI blog that the school board stated that they have a Religion and Religious Accommodation’ policy which makes a point not to promote any ‘religious belief or non-belief.’ ”

And who created this euphemistically-named “Accommodation policy”? I’d wager dollars to Easter Eggs that yet another Jew in a public office sneaked in this anti-Christian policy as part of the relentless Jewish war against Christianity.

The only restriction the Founding Fathers put on government was that no state should create its own religion and impose it on its citizens –which is essentially what the nation of England did with the Anglican Church. If you take things in context and consider the situation in 1776 and that many Americans were Christian religious fugitives from England, it’s obvious that the only concern was the government dictating how people should worship God.

One website correctly notes “The First Amendment does not establish the separation of church and state. In fact you won’t even find the words “separation of church and state” written in the first amendment. The first Amendment states that ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.’ This only guarantees the freedom of religion, NOT the freedom from religion. This amendment was placed in our constitution by the states so that the Federal government would not have the power to establish a national religion. It really has nothing to do with protecting people from Christianity (which seems to be the only religion that the proponents of ‘separation of church and state’ focus on for some reason) or any other religion.”

Muslim nations make teaching Islam part of their school systems. Japan includes Buddhist beliefs in their school system and Israel teaches fanatic Zionist beliefs as part of their school system. White Christian nations -however- have been brainwashed by the Jewish controlled media to think that there’s something “wrong” about teaching Christian morality as party of their public school education.

American schools have been following an atheistic, leftist curriculum for decades now (drawn up by Jews and intended to replace Christian values) and the result has been rampant teen pregnancy, a continuing breakdown of the institution of marriage and an increasing number of homosexuals being produced by the public schools.

The news article also notes “A teen who volunteered at the school told MyNorthwest.com, ‘When I took them out of the bag, the teacher said, ‘Oh look, spring spheres’ and all the kids were like ‘Wow, Easter eggs.’ ” Let’s hope these children keep rejecting these insidious efforts by leftists and Jews to undermine Christianity in the public school system.