
Population changes have been rapid and disastrous in recent years.

The Demographic Clock Goes Tick, Tick, Tick…by Jeff Davis. We have been warning people for years about the demographic threat posed by massive third world immigration to this country, and we have been ignored. Now it’s catching up with us.

CNN reports: “New census data confirm that some major metropolitan areas flipped from majority white to majority populations of minorities during the past decade. White people are now in the minority in 46 of the nation’s 366 metro areas, including New York, Washington, San Diego, Las Vegas and Memphis, said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution. That number is up from 32 in 2000, 10 in 1990 and nine in 1980.”

If you live in the greater Los Angeles area, you probably spent most of your life outnumbered by non-Whites. Before World War Two there were only 40,000 Blacks in Los Angeles. Since the end of World War Two, the racial situation in America has gotten steadily worse. Unfortunately, the rest of America ignored the situation in L.A. and California, thinking that it could never happen to them. Well, most Americans have finally realized that not only can it happen to them; it is happening to them.

The CNN article notes “The changes are a result of relatively slow growth among the white population, white people moving outside metropolitan areas, and huge increases in minority populations, especially Hispanic and Asian. Recent analysis also showed white children are in the minority in 10 states. ‘The 2010 Census figures show we’re becoming a more diverse nation, especially in our metropolitan areas, and it’s filtering out from there,’ Frey said.”

What do you think it will be like in another 20 years? We probably won’t know, because by that time civilization may collapse and there may not be enough organization or government revenue to do another census.