Once co-opted by the Jewish Lobby, American foreign policy is insane. The Zionist-driven U.S. invasion of Iraq is solidifying world Islamic resistance to Israel and its great American puppet. In the long term, American/Israeli destruction of Saddam Hussain may prove to bea key factor in unifying the Muslim world towards a common enemy — in a way unknown for centuries.
Iraq Winners Allied With Iran Are the Opposite of U.S. Vision,
by Robin Wright, Washington Post, February 14, 2005
“When the Bush administration decided to invade Iraq two years ago, it envisioned a quick handover to handpicked allies in a secular government that would be the antithesis of Iran’s theocracy — potentially even a foil to Tehran’s regional ambitions. But, in one of the greatest ironies of the U.S. intervention, Iraqis instead went to the polls and elected a government with a strong religious base — and very close ties to the Islamic republic next door. It is the last thing the administration expected from its costly Iraq policy — $300 billion and counting, U.S. and regional analysts say.”