
The Growing Power of Jewish Extremists in America

Jews, comprising some 3% or the U.S. population, continue to rise in national political prominence and Party influence.

Witness the ascent of pro-war, pro-Zionist Democrats Rahm Emanuel and Nancy Pelosi, not to mention the growing stature of such ‘liberal’ stalwarts as Hillary Clinton, Charles Liebermann and Chuck Schumer. Despite the fiasco known as the Iraq war, most of the newly elected Dems are also aggressively pro-war. Why? Almost all of the mega-donors to the Democratic Party are Jewish. Ken Mehlman (also Jewish) is in charge of the Republican Party, even though he presided over an election where the Republicans suffered their greatest reversal in a generation. To make matters worse, with the essential help of gentiles like Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, Will and O’Reily, the Republican party remains under strict neoconservative domination. Ant-war paleo-conservatives like Buchanan are invisible.

All the Republican Party big shots (McCain, Specter, Warner etc.) are pro-war and pro-intervention. Ever since Reagan (who most neo-cons revere, since they
slipped into Washington under his watch) the Republican party is increasingly under Jewish management. But the big news is this: notwithstanding the legitimate worry over the huge shadow cast over Congress by AIPAC, in a broader sense, most Jewish lobbying and influence is actually outside of AIPAC’s sphere.
Jewish political pressure and cultural manipulation beyond AIPAC is incalculable, un-tabulated and often cryptic. But it’s undeniably immense.

Here’s 30-second tour of Jewish power in America:

On the conspicuous side, it goes from the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations to the ADL to the Congressional Jewish Caucus to the American Jewish Committee and so on; and from there it fans out towards countless Jewish federations and philanthropies and over to the openly Jewish press to various ‘secular’ institutions like the ACLU or the Southern Poverty Law Center, all of which interface with American governance. After that, the Lobby gets more mysterious as we enter the major universities and the banks and financial centers, then on to the many Israeli-infiltrated think tanks like AEI, Hudson, Brookings, Aspen and Washington Institute of Near East Studies. Rounding this out, you have all the Jewish-dominated newspapers, radio and TV stations as well as movie studios. This huge ethno-religious conglomeration, not merely AIPAC, constitutes the full Jewish lobby. And much of this gargantuan and unregulated association of powerful individuals and institutions is devoted to serving the political interests of one foreign power that’s continually at war.

In scale, scope and influence, no other domestic ‘lobby’ comes even close to what we see outlined above. And AIPAC is just one facet of this larger lobby which now lords over our nation and thus, the world. -mg