Duke Videos

Purim is Feb. 23: Proof that Purim Blatantly Promotes Genocide! Video!

Purim II – Promotion of GENOCIDE!

Watch this amazing video that must be seen to be believed. Dr. Duke offers even more compelling evidence of how Purim promotes human rights violations of Palestinians and others. This video is one of the best anti-hate videos ever made. As Dr. Duke states, “We don’t want a world of war and hate.” –staff

In this video, one the leading rabbis in America in the leading Synagogue of the United States says that the lesson of Purim is that Jews must commit total genocide against their Gentile enemies.

This is the kind of shocking information that the “mainstream” Ziomedia makes sure that the non-Jews never see. While the Ziomedia will have thousands of articles on the feast of Purim, none will discuss the fact that leading Jews see Purim as teaching the need for Jews to commit genocide against their perceived enemies. Documents cited in this video are linked and available at www.davidduke.com Read them while you can, for this expose’ will surely result in many of these damning documents will go down the memory hole.