Politics The Latest from Dr. David Duke

President Trump! Giving Up America First for Israel Won’t Save You!

President Trump! Giving Up America First for Israel Won’t Save You!

Mr. President. Those leading the Senate effort to crucify you are Schumer, Blumenthal and Feinstein — Now, the NY Post reveals the powerful House Democrats out to crucify you are Schiff & Nadler — all 5 are Zionist Extremists. Abandoning America First for Israel won’t save You!

Your only chance is to connect the dots for the American people and expose the Zionist extremists who run the NY Times, CNN Washington Post, ABC, CBS and NBC — and the Jewish NeoCon warmongers like Kristol, Max Boot, Jonah Goldberg, Norman Podhoretz, Zuckerberg, and of course the 5 Judases you thought were your friends but who have totally sold you out. It was in fact Kristol and Weekly Standard and Jewish mega billionaires including Paul Singer that financed started the whole Fusion GPS and Kristol’s low down porno attack on you.

It was Rosenstein that authorized the Mueller investigation and 95 percent ZioMedia turning the knives in you day after day. Jewish Forward has an article on Rosenstein’s Jewish pals who say Rosenstein always hated you.

Wake up and take off the gloves Sir!


Dr. David Duke, Former Republican Member House of Representatives-LA