The following article by columnist Charlie Reese clearly gets to the real heart of the Zionist Controversy–DD No Peace in Palestine by Charley Reese There will be no peace in…

Extreme Jewish supremacist Robert Zoellick appointed to high post by David Duke Ultra Jewish Supremacist-Neocon Robert Zoellick, the curent U.S. Trade Representative, has now been appointed to Deputy Secretary of…

DEN JUDISKA RASISMEN – Jewish Supremacism published in Sweden. Jewish Supremacism has generated some response in the Jewish influenced media of our country. some of you might know, Swedish mass…

“Israel’s Christians spitting mad” “…Christians in Jerusalem have attacked what they say is the increasingly common phenomenon of ultra-orthodox Jews spitting on them.”—from the Telegraph in London You will see…

You already know that the news and entertainment media are biased. Now you will find out why they are biased. Comments by David Duke: The information in the following article…

How the SPLC Lies About Our Movement and Leaders The latest Duke Report exposes a SPLC attack on the European American Unity and Leadership Conference in New Orleans. The SPLC…

Jewish Supremacism: A Modern Day Bookburning David Duke The Canadian government has now officially banned my book Jewish Supremacism. Canadian Customs officials routinely seize and burn the book from Canadian…