
FBI Raids Jewish Lobby Suspected of Espionage against the United States


The FBI has raided the national offices of AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committe. AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in the United States and is controlled by Jewish supremacists who put the interests of Israel over America.

Few Americans even realize that the most powerful lobby in the halls of the American government is on behalf of a foreign nation: Israel! This lobby with allegiance to a foreign power has a hammerlock over the political establishment through the carrot and stick approach. If a Congressman goes along with the billions of dollars of American giveaways to Israel, he receives large campaign contributions from AIPAC and many numerous Jewish organizations as well as well-healed individual Jews.

If an elected official balks at putting Israel ahead of true American interests, or if he even makes the slightest verbal criticism of Israel, not only will he receive no more support, he will be put on a political hit list and his opponents will be lavishly funded and supported. AIPAC can also muster the many influential Zionists in the media to besmirch the patriotic American and promote his AIPAC-puppet opponent. This has happened to many. James Moran, D-VA, and many other public officials have faced their wrath.

For simply saying in a town hall meeting that the Jewish community with their inlfuence could help prevent the Iraq War, Rep. Moran was viciously attacked by many powerful Jewish organizations and faced a hard fight to retain his seat. Just for pointing out that most of the powerful Jewish organizations were pushing hard to start the Iraq War, he was targetted. The Jewish supremacists did not want the American people to fully realize that this war was created by the Jewish Neocons on behalf of Israeli strategic objectives — and to the great harm of American interests. That’s why they had to create the “weapons of mass destruction” lies so as to justify the war. The powerful senator from Arkansas, William Fullbright, stated that “Israel Controls the U.S.Senate.” He was immediately targetted by the Jewish lobbies and was driven from Congress.

This new case of Israeli espoinage being investigated and prosecuted is nothing new. Traitors who have sold out America for the benefit of Israel have been stealing secrets for years. Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard, devasted America’s entire Eastern European intelligence network. There is even a long record of Israeli terrorist acts of bombing and murder against Americans.

The horrendous 911 attacks, and the endagerment of Americans all over the world would not be happening except for the inordinate Jewish supremacist influence over our media and goernment.

It’s time to change all that!

–David Duke

For more on this subject see:

Subpoenas issued for officials of pro-Israel lobby group (you may need to hit the refresh button on this site)
By Warren P. Strobel and Shannon McCaffreyKnight Ridder Newspapers

And be sure to read my suite of articles on the subject in:

The Price of Israel