Hate Letters Department The following is an excerpt from another Hate Letter from one of my obviously not-so-enamored admirers. I thought you might enjoy my response so I will share…

Download Today we send out a very interesting and troubling essay published first in the book Everything You Know Is Wrong. Despite its obvious value, we could not find it…

Jewish Supremacism: A Modern Day Bookburning David Duke The Canadian government has now officially banned my book Jewish Supremacism. Canadian Customs officials routinely seize and burn the book from Canadian…

By David Duke. Today, I speak about the genocidal effects of globalism as well as its inherent contradictions. As all of us know, the world is getting smaller. Incredible advancements…

by David Duke. We live in an upside down, crazy world. Now you might say: how do I know that the world is crazy, maybe the world is right side up…