Left — pictured is typical of the numerous art works depicting the charge of Jewish ritual murder, a charge that has been made in specific cases against Jews in many…

 Left, The cover of the International Red Cross Official Reports on the Holocaust. Revisionists point out that that the Red Cross, including a number of officials from the U.S., Britain,…

James Petras’ New Book: The Power of Israel in the United States By Stephen Lendman October 26th, 2006 James Petras is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York.…

Chabad: Keeping one’s true self hidden The following is quoted from a Chabad website. A Jew asks if Jews have super powers. The Rabbi explains how the comic superheroes that…

By KATHLEEN CHRISTISON — Former CIA Analyst Commentary by David Duke –The following is an excerpt and a link to a powerful article by former CIA analyst Kathleen Christison. It…