Capt. Richard Block Breaks Silence about the Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty !
Eyewitness to an Act of War… A US Air Force Intelligence Officer Speaks with AFP About the USS Liberty By Mark Glenn The outrage in his voice was made all…
Eyewitness to an Act of War… A US Air Force Intelligence Officer Speaks with AFP About the USS Liberty By Mark Glenn The outrage in his voice was made all…
The Ideological Purifiers By Patrick Grimm There are some within this interconnected network of anti-Zionist activists who are sticklers for what I would dub “ideological purity.” If someone strays from…
Televangelist Kay Arthur betrays Christianity and America to Jewish supremacism — and to the despair of Zionist stooges lets the cat out of the bag! . Download Woman Evangelist Says…
LISTEN TO DAVID DUKE’S SPEECH FOR YOURSELF AND SEE HOW THE MEDIA LIES! Download Kiev Post Attacks Anti-Zionist Conference The Kyiv Post has revealed that a pro-government member of the…
LISTEN TO DAVID DUKE’S SPEECH FOR YOURSELF AND SEE HOW THE MEDIA LIES! Download Kiev Post Attacks Anti-Zionist Conference The Kyiv Post has revealed that a pro-government member of the…
USS Liberty Survivors file War Crimes Charges Surviving crew members of the USS Liberty are presenting a formal report on war crimes committed against U.S. military personnel in Israel’s savage…
IT WASN’T THE ARABS: Assault on the Liberty June 8, 1967. On this day which lives on in infamy, an unarmed, clearly marked communications vessel sailing peacefully in the eastern Mediterranean,…
Assad: Jewish media, technology crushing Arabs A recent article by CNN on Monday, June 6, 2005 quoted Syrian President Bashar Assad as saying that the International media (which is under…
So, do you believe George Bush and Tony Blair when they talk about spreading “Freedom of Speech” and “democracy” to the rest of the world? Read about the latest repression…
By David Duke. Today I want to share an open letter that I have written to the FBI about Israeli treachery and terrorism against America and the American treason that…