Norman Podhoretz: “Bush to Bomb Iran Before Leaving Office” Powerful Cabal of Israel First Warmongers Praying for Nuclear Strike Against Iran By Michael Collins Piper EVEN AS THE DEBACLE IN…

Why is the Peace Movement Silent About AIPAC? By John Walsh April 17th, 2007 “AIPAC!” was the forceful one-word answer of Congressman Michael Capuano when we asked him, “Why was…

The AIPAC Conference: A Hotbed of Treason — Updated! By David Duke “Treason as a concept is defunct in the West. To succeed in war, governments need take this change…

Abramoff Goes to Club Fed By V-News Staff November 15th, 2006 “Super-Zionist” may roll on Dems, Rove Corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff has reported to a “Club Fed” facility in Maryland…

 AIPAC, the Religious Right and American Foreign Policy By Rodrigue Tremblay August 21st, 2006 “Most citizens are unaware of the startling fact that for years our U.S. Middle East policy…

Those Who Hire Illegal Aliens Cause Americans 9,125 Deaths Annually By Frosty Wooldridge August 14th, 2006 Iowa’s United States Congressman Steve King told a crowd in Des Moines in June,…