Calling the Kosovo Humanitarians to Account by John Pilger The following article was written by journalist John Pilger (left) of Britain. It shows clearly how far afield the American government…

Download Affirmative Action Secretary of State Updated 8:30 am Central Time Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State is proof of the insanity of Affirmative Action. As everyone knows, Condoleezza Rice…

You already know that the news and entertainment media are biased. Now you will find out why they are biased. Comments by David Duke: The information in the following article…

How the SPLC Lies About Our Movement and Leaders The latest Duke Report exposes a SPLC attack on the European American Unity and Leadership Conference in New Orleans. The SPLC…

Jewish Supremacism: A Modern Day Bookburning David Duke The Canadian government has now officially banned my book Jewish Supremacism. Canadian Customs officials routinely seize and burn the book from Canadian…

By David Duke. America is now at war against Iraq. No, we are not yet invading Iraq, but we are regularly bombing the country and preparing to invade Iraq in…