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New Collett video: The Black Panther – A Mediocre Film with Anti-White Narratives

The Black Panther – A Mediocre Film with Anti-White Narratives

From Mark Collett — The Black Panther has been given glowing reviews by almost every mainstream critic – but why? Well it certainly isn’t for the story or the bizarre and poorly thought out setting. The reason this film has been held up as a masterpiece is because it pushes narratives of African superiority and white guilt which both play right into the anti-white narrative that is embraced by the liberal establishment.

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My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.The Official Website: http://www.thefallofwesternman.com/

FREE eBook download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cc…

Hardback Edition: http://www.lulu.com/shop/mark-collett…

Paperback Edition: http://amzn.eu/9LaS7HN
