
Many in Elite Liberal Circles Say: “Give Polanski A Pass”

The trendy left in Hollywood now has a new cause. This time it isn’t forcing some high school to have a Gay prom or boycotting Arizona. This time it’s saving the hide of a famous Jewish child molester, director Roman Polanski.

An article on Hollywoodreporter.com tells us: “To sign or not to sign is the big question at this year’s Festival de Cannes, and there’s not a deal memo in sight. But then a petition in support of director Roman Polanski, who is under house arrest in Switzerland in connection with a 33-year-old sex scandal, is always going to set tongues wagging. The Croisette-pounders have even more to buzz about following new allegations Friday by British actress Charlotte Lewis that she was sexually abused by Polanski in 1982 when she was 16.”

How many times does it have to be pointed out that a child molester leaves a trail of victims, not just one? This second victim who was sexually abused at age 16 is not going to be the last. I would not be surprised if Polanski were still raping teenage models using his reputation to gain access and to keep his victims from speaking out.

The article notes “Just hours before Lewis made the claim at a news conference in Los Angeles, Michael Douglas — in town this weekend for ‘Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps’ — said ‘Non’ to the Polanski petition. It would be unfair for him to sign a petition for ‘somebody who did break the law,’ Douglas told French radio. But the call is out for Competition directors to sign a docket in support of Polanski. The petition, posted on a website overseen by French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, asks for justice from the Swiss authorities. Cannes participants who’ve already put pen to paper for Polanski include Jean-Luc Godard, actor-director Mathieu Amalric, Bertrand Tavernier and Olivier Assayas.”

I presume those names mean something to somebody, somewhere. Just not to real people in the real world.

It’s the same demand that Jews have made all down through history: They want to be exempted from the laws that the rest of us have to obey, and they refuse to allow anyone to hold them to any standard of civilized behavior. You have to understand that these people genuinely believe that they are the Chosen People (even despite their ancestors murdering the Son of God). The Jews feel they have a divine right to do whatever they like. To Jews, the rest of the human race are here so they can swindle us or rape our 13 year old daughters. And the Jews don’t think we should have a legal right to criticize them.