The never-ending hypocrisy of Jewish Supremacism, double standards and its “divide and conquer” strategy is on full display once again as a result of a new Human Rights Watch (HRW) report which has roundly condemned Israel for expelling asylum seekers—while at the same time, Israel-supporting Jewish organizations in America and Europe continue to demand that even more asylum seekers be let into Europe and the US.

The Human Rights Watch report, titled “Make Their Lives Miserable” (available on the HRW website here) says that Israeli authorities coerced almost 7,000 Eritrean and Sudanese to return to their homes, where they face serious threats to life.
“As of August 2014 . . . the authorities’ unlawful coercion policy is gradually achieving Israel’s interior minister’s aim of ‘encouraging the illegals to leave,” the HRW report reads.
“By the end of June 2014, at least 6,400 Sudanese and at least 367 Eritreans had officially left Israel for their home countries, while Israel had only recognized two Eritreans, and no Sudanese, as refugees.
“This report documents how Israel has created convoluted legal rules to thwart Eritrean and Sudanese refugees’ attempts to secure the protection to which they are entitled under international and Israeli law.
“It also shows how Israel has used the resulting insecure legal status as a pretext to detain or threaten to detain them indefinitely, and has thereby coerced thousands into leaving Israel. Israel’s policies are well summed up in the words of former Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai who said that as long as Israel cannot deport them to their home countries, it should “’lock them up to make their lives miserable.’”
The HRW report also detailed how the Jews-only state—which uses DNA tests to check if would-be legal immigrants are Jewish enough to be allowed in—ensures that asylum seekers are denied any opportunity to even put their case:
“Israel’s use of detention to coerce people into leaving has been reinforced by an asylum system that systematically denies Eritreans and Sudanese access to fair and efficient asylum procedures. This helps Israel avoid granting them refugee status which would entitle them to remain in Israel with freedom of movement and associated rights until it is safe for them to return to their home countries.”
The HRW report goes into great detail how asylum seekers in Israel are denied all the rights which are accorded to refugees in other nations, and how the Jews-only state makes sure that it remains ethnically Jewish.
The contrast between this position and that of Israel’s most fanatic supporters in the USA—the major Jewish organizations—reveals clearly the outrageous hypocrisy.

A statement put out by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on July 7, 2014 (see copy above), for example, titled “Jewish Statement on Unaccompanied Children at the U.S.-Mexico Border,” and endorsed by 20 of the largest Jewish organizations which make up the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, says:
“As organizations deeply rooted in Jewish values, we support policies that promote human rights, ensure the protection of children, and fulfill the Torah’s mandate to ‘welcome the stranger.’
“As such, we are very concerned about the urgent humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border. Migration of vulnerable children and others from the “Northern Triangle” of Central America . . . . The safety and well-being of these migrants—and particularly the unaccompanied children—must be at the heart of every policy decision made in response to this humanitarian crisis.”
The Jewish statement then goes on to demand that asylum seekers in the US be given refuge to “start their lives anew in our communities” and that they be funded by the taxpayers at the same time.
“Based on the Jewish values to which we adhere and our proud history as a community and nation established by immigrants and refugees, we urge the U.S. government to protect both children and refugees in a humane manner.”
At the same time, the ADL runs a “support Israel” campaign in which it tells activists how they can express their support for the Jews-only state.

The situation is thus as follows:
- The Jewish Supremacists in America demand that the US opens its borders to refugees and asylum seekers.
- The Jewish Supremacists in America simultaneously fanatically support the state of Israel and demand that Americans support that Jews-only state, ideologically and financially.
- Israel enforces an anti-asylum seeker policy which is the most extreme opposite of what the Jewish Supremacists demand Americans accept.
This blatant hypocrisy forms an important part of the Jewish fanatics’ “divide and conquer” policy.
By this they intend to completely weaken all non-Jews—and Europeans in particular, who are their most-hated enemy—while at the same time, ensuring that Israel remains ethnically pure and Jewish.
Once again, it is one law for the Jewish Supremacists, and another law for the hated Goyim.
Watch the David Duke video “How Zionists Divide and Conquer”