
Letter from Duke Volunteer regarding his amazing popularity in Louisiana

Letter from Duke Volunteer regarding his amazing popularity in Louisiana

I recently started volunteering for the David Duke for Senate campaign. Over the past few days I got to travel with Dr. Duke to various events. I was warned by his staff that Dr. Duke was a rock star in these parts, that everyone knew him and everyone supported him. But I was really not prepared for what I saw. We went to a gun show. Dr. Duke walked around and greeted and talked to almost everyone, and indeed, they all knew him and sure did support him.


I have worked on lots of campaigns in my day, even presidential campaigns, but I never saw a candidate who was universally recognized and supported like that.

The next day we went out to Baton Rouge to help out filling sandbags for folks whose homes were threatened by water. We had to keep changing routes because so many roads were closed, and drove through some flooded streets along the way. But we got there and got busy filling sandbags and loading them into folks’ trucks and cars. Towards the end of the day I overheard one gentlemen tell his sons “I was already going to vote for him, but did you see how he worked harder than everyone else and led by example.” He was impressed, because is was clearly not just an empty gesture for some TV news crew, but giving it his all for his neighbors and his people just like he has done his entire life.

Then today we went by evacuation centers to listen to people’s stories and talk to the staff about what was being done and what was needed. People were so happy to see Dr. Duke. Each place we went there were folks who lost everything, but were just so joyful to the point of tears that he came and showed he cared about them. I never saw anything like it in my life. People came up and said that they voted for him in previous elections, or they met him at such and such event, or even that their parents had supported him decades ago. These are the people that know Dr. Duke best, and he really is a rock star here. Louisiana truely is Duke Country.