Human Diversity

Jesse Helms – One of the last true conservatives is gone

Jesse Helms RIP, Fought Racial Quotas

By James Buchanan EURO

A Reuters article reports “Jesse Helms, a die-hard anti-communist firebrand who championed a wide range of conservative causes in his 30 years in the U.S. Senate, died early on Friday, aged 86… A blunt-talking product of the Old South, the lawmaker from North Carolina was known as “Senator No” for opposing just about anything that obstructed his conservative view of the world. He retired in 2003 after five terms in the Senate… For years, Helms played a key role in U.S. foreign policy as chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, embracing a strong U.S. national defense and what he regarded as a moral foreign policy. This made the Republican curmudgeon a hero to fellow American conservatives… His name became synonymous with social conservatism.”

Senator Helms retired with declining health as neocons hijacked the Republican Party and its foreign policy. Two months after Helms retired, Bush launched his illegal neocon war on Iraq, which has wrecked the Republican Party in recent years, resulting in the loss of Congress in 2006 and caused the current political situation with polls predicting a blow out Republican defeat in 2008 –once again due largely to the illegal Iraq War.

Jesse Helms was one of the few politicians brave enough to speak out publicly against anti-White racial quotas (also known as Affirmative Action). Millions of jobs and promotions have been stolen from better-qualified Whites and given to Blacks and Latinos to appease the minorities and liberal hypocrites, who complained about anti-Black discrimination, but who put into law anti-White discrimination, which victimized thousands of times more people. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been stolen from Whites due to this massive theft of jobs and promotions. American industry has been badly handicapped as large numbers of incompetent minorities have been forced upon every major US company while Japanese and European companies are able to compete using the most talented people, not quota-hires brought on board for belonging to a swarthy-colored race.

Another Internet source reports “In 1950, Helms became an unofficial researcher for United States Senate candidate Willis Smith. Smith was a conservative Democratic lawyer and former president of the American Bar Association. While working on the primary campaign against Frank Porter Graham, Helms helped create an ad that read, ‘White people, wake up before it is too late. Do you want Negroes working beside you, your wife and your daughters, in your mills and factories? Frank Graham favors mingling of the races.’ ”

Today, it is the height of political incorrectness to point out the simple truth that White people are much safer in all-White neighborhoods and work environments. Thanks in large part to desegregation, over 50,000 Whites have been murdered by Blacks and millions of White women have been raped by Blacks. The suffering of White people however is strictly ignored by the Jewish media and the modern two-party system. The great men who fought against desegregation deserve statues and a place in the honor roll of history. The liberals, who fought for desegregation, invariably live in lily-White neighborhoods since they are hypocrites, unwilling to suffer the presence of Blacks, which they forced on poor and working class Southern Whites in the 1950s, and on a majority of White Americans in recent decades.

Another article reports “In his three decades in the Senate, Helms battled tirelessly for the conservative cause. He waged high-profile fights against the Panama Canal treaty, AIDS funding, abortion and affirmative action. He was willing to take on his fellow Republicans criticizing Presidents Reagan and Bush for accepting tax increases in the 1980s and ’90s.”

The US built the Panama Canal at a considerable cost of both money and lives. The original treaty with Panama gave the US control of the Canal Zone forever, but President Jimmy Carter and a majority of Congress betrayed US strategic interests and voted to give up control of the Canal Zone with a new treaty. Senator Jesse Helms fought strongly against this treason treaty.

Jesse Helms has repeatedly fought for the best interests of the White race and America. He may have compromised on a few issues under heavy pressure, but among modern Senators, Jesse Helms was the best by a large margin.
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