
Crime linked Jewish extremist organization writes smear peice on The Political Cesspool – Winston Smith fires back

Winston Smith Sounds Off
The Political Cesspool, Sundays 4-7 PM

This past Sunday’s broadcast (June 29) of The Political Cesspool Radio Program was a real barnstormer, my friends. I think the only way we’re going to be able to top it is if Sonny Landham gives us his first interview after being sworn in as Kentucky’s next senator, which would be appropriate, since we were one of the first exclusive interviews he gave after announcing his candidacy. Pastor Pete Peters was his usual intense, articulate, and ruggedly-charming self. Bill Rolen and I sparkled like diamonds and exemplified Job-like patience in tolerating that other guy (James Edwards) who was in the studio with us! And of course, Patrick J. Buchanan made his second appearance on our program.

We all knew Mr. Buchanan’s interview would spawn a flurry of hit pieces, and we even had a pool going on whether the ADL or the SPLC would be first with the story on their respective websites. Alas, Morris and Mark, Abe beat you to it (and Bill Rolen won the pool, which topped out at $1.63 and a nearly full coffee-club card). And man alive, is the ADL’s latest insipid pabulum showing up everywhere! They must have sent that instance of propaganda to their entire news mailing list. There’s no telling how much donation money will find its way into the bank accounts of Abe and his gang because of Mr. Buchanan’s appearance on our little broadcast. Perhaps Morris and Mark should have a heart-to-heart with Heidi, as she obviously was asleep at the wheel. (And I even said hello to her over the air. Heidi, you disappoint me, gal.) Remember, Morris – every dollar that goes to the ADL is one less dollar for you. And don’t tell me that doesn’t gall you to no end.

We call our little broadcast The Political Cesspool because that’s what our show is about – the cesspool that is American politics. There are many pipelines that lead to the stinking, noxious, disgusting, nauseous slough that constantly threatens to overflow, seep into your home, and strain the credibility of a flood damage insurance claim. But the pipeline that comes from the ADL is probably the largest and fastest-flowing of all the sewer pipes that contribute to the cesspool of politics and societal necrosis – a point of pride for the ADL in which they wallow like pigs in mud.

The ADL article is being presented as a news story, the work of an objective journalist. But it is, in fact, nothing more than the usual demagoguery of a hack ADL employee who is apparently being paid based upon how many times he uses the words and phrases racist, racism, extremism, white supremacist, anti-Semite, neo-Nazi, holocaust denier, and hate. In other words, the piece is a standard ADL fill-in form – just insert the target’s name, cut-and-paste a couple of other items in the “For Good Measure” box, and make sure the “ADL is wonderful” blurb at the bottom is clearly visible.

The ADL has long and habitually accused Mr. Buchanan of Holocaust™ denial, and the brain-numbing effect of standard operating procedure caused the ADL’s cut-and-paste hack to miss his own contradiction. Mr. Buchanan’s assessment is that, “Had there been no war, there would have been no Holocaust™.” Mr. Buchanan obviously acknowledges the Holocaust™. But, like every thinking person, he questions certain aspects of the history the world has been force-fed. The ADL allows no such questioning, and it vilifies any research that it does not authorize. Anyone who has the stones to ignore the ADL’s arrogation as the sole legitimate source of Holocaust™ information is automatically branded a racist, extremist, white supremacist, anti-Semite, neo-Nazi, holocaust denier, and hatemonger.

The ADL’s cut-and-paste hack also takes offence at Mr. Buchanan’s reminding us of Charles Lindbergh’s warning “that the Jewish community [was] beating the drums of war” to goad the United States into World War II. The ADL knows very well that most decent Americans would find it repugnant that their fathers, grandfathers, sons, and brothers had died in a war into which our nation was conned by international Jewry. The purpose of the ADL’s faux incredulity is to persuade Americans that Zionists would never engage in so odious a strategy as maneuvering the United States into a war on behalf of Israel. However, such histrionics don’t pass the smell test when we see headlines such as “Israel Prodding U.S. to Attack Iran”.


Any reasonable listener to our interview with Mr. Buchanan would conclude that he said nothing that was even vaguely racist, extremist, white supremacist, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi-esque, Holocaust™denial, or hatemongering. The interview was simply a discussion with a gentleman who is an objective student of history, a keen analyst, and a superb writer. It was inoffensive to anyone, except to real hate mongers who make their livings ensuring that the names of those they hate are never seen or heard without a standard litany of invective, obloquy, and lies.
Read more articles by Winston Smith at The Political Cesspool!
