
"I Agree, but Slavery was not Nice!"

 An african tribe capures and enslaves another. Slavery existed in Africa for thousands of years independent of any European involvement, yet the image of slavery today is one of Whites enslaving Blacks.

David Duke’s Response to an Interesting Comment

I am completely on your side but you have to admit slavery was not nice

To Rich,

I don’t agree with slavery, of course, but the idea I object to is that Whites have some special form of guilt for enslaving Blacks when the fact is all peoples have practiced slavery, including Blacks, from the beginning of time.

If there is a guilt for the atrocities committed by mankind, it should be held by all people everywhere for their mutual violation of human rights. But that’s not how it works in our societies and by the Jewish supremacist press that works overtime to instill guilt in our people, a guilt that paralyzes many of our people from taking part in the struggle for our very right of existence! As you know, unless we halt the massive immigration into European- American nations, the low birthrates among our own people, and intermarriage , they will certainly eradicate our precious heritage.

Thanks for your comments and you have reminded me once more that because of the long-instilled reactions in our people, I should be more circumspect how I address these issues. For if a Whiteman begins any discussion of the universal nature of slavery is immediately portrayed as defending it, and I do not!

Even though it should not be necessary, the climate of anti-White propaganda makes it very necessary to make very clear any pronouncements on these subjects if we are to reach the hearts of our people.

Our people are in an incredibly difficult struggle for survival and we find ourselves on the defensive for real and imagined wrongs. As I have written many times, some White peoples at different times have exploited or violated other peoples, and it is also true that other peoples haved harmed us. The Mongol invasion of Europe for instance wasn’t exactly fun and games for our people. We can go on, the Ottoman empire committed unspeakable atrocities on our peoples in the Balkans, including even the murder of parents and the kidnapping of their children to be raised as their slaves or warriors. I could go on and on.

As far as slavery, the Blacks who are always complaining about evil Whites should note that slavery did exist in particularly brutal forms for thousands of years in Africa before the Whiteman got there and in many other parts of Africa where the Whiteman had little influence. In fact slavery still exists among Blacks in some regions today. However, it is never admitted that it was Europeans who ended the widespread practice of slavery (among blacks) in Africa. We are faulted for our errors but never for our positives.

As I have said before, I have no guilt for our people, our people have brought medicine to areas where mothers and fathers before the Whiteman’s advent just had to watch their children die. Our people brought education and literacy, even written language to many peoples who had none. Stopped the internecine tribal warfare that racked Africa. We have dried a thousand tears for every one we have caused.

Now, should we have even endeavored to do these things? In retrospect, I think it would have been better for us not to have interfered. This is true both for them and for us. But don’t ask Europeans to have a special guilt for what all mankind is guiltyof. The benefits Europeans have reaped from trying to influence non-European nations and cultures have long been eclipsed by the negative consequences for all concerned.

The very real prospect of a billion, three hundred million Chinese driving cars will not just radically affect the price and availability of oil on the planet, but have a dire effect on all the earth’s environment. Export of our technology and culture may be the death knell of our planet.

Those are just a few thoughts to your well-considered comment.

Sincerely, David Duke