2004 European American Conference a Rousing Success!
Hundreds of White activists gather to work for self-determination.
By Mark Farrell
The International European American Unity and Leadership Conference marking the release of political prisoner David Duke went very well. Despite the near-total media blackout — and security concerns causing organizers to withold the venue address until the last minute — over 300 turned out to express their unity against anti-White discriminatory laws, and persecution by alien lobby groups and corrupt politicians intent on eradicating our rights.
(Photo above: Singer Julie Jones’ patriotic medley, given at the conclusion of the conference banquet, was movingly and beautifully done.)
More important than the hundreds in attendance, however, were the people who listened in on the conference via Marc Lemire’s almost-real-time Internet broadcasts. On Saturday, over 67,000 individuals (with unique IDs, not merely ‘hits’) listened online to the important speeches given by the White leaders invited by Mr. Duke.
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(Attorney Edgar Steele impressed the conference audience with his wit and intellect, driving home the point that White Americans can and will take their country back.)
The conference was a beacon of light, demonstrating that there is indeed still hope in a land in which plutocrats and their sycophants attempt to suppress any real political alternatives.
Attendees came away with a new understanding of where we are now — and where we will go if things continue on their present course. Speakers cited European and Canadian laws recently enacted — or being proposed by Jewish groups — designed to stifle free speech. Many of these same laws are on the drawing boards for the United States as well.
(Don Black spoke to the conference on the promises and perils of pro-White outreach on the Internet, and his introduction of his lifelong friend Representative Duke was moving and powerful.)
The speakers were all articulate, and their speeches were enthusiastically received by the inspired crowd. There was a general camaraderie felt by the participants, who joined together in a spirit of brotherhood for this conference. To me, it felt like a journey back in time; I understood what it must have been like during political rallies of the past, when politicians still represented the American people — although it was not a rally for any one candidate or campaign, instead being an exchange of ideas and thoughts about the current state of America and the West.
Thunderous applause often greeted the speakers, as they hammered home their points, ideas, and hopes. The plutocrats and the Thought Police may have opened up Pandora’s Box of troubles and travails when they chose to multiracialize our civilization, but, as the original myth says — the last thing in her box was Hope, as Sam Dickson related in his speech. And Hope was indeed present in the hall — a spirit that has not been seen much in these modern times.(The crowd listens as National Alliance Media Director Kevin Alfred Strom discusses ‘the turning of the cosmic wheel’ which will reposition Jewish supremacists as oppressors instead of victims in world opinion.)
It was rewarding to see so many people from various groups together in a spirit of unity — all dedicated to improving the situation for our race and nations. Many concerned citizens talked of how America got to where it is, and what we can do to take it back. The pendulum swings both ways; and if the spirit of this conference is a sign of things to come, with the dedication and inspiration you could feel in the air among this assembly of pro-Gentile activists, the pendulum has certainly begun swinging back — and it is moving fast.
Listen to the speeches themselves as your schedule permits. [Hear Conference MP3s below.]
(David Duke’s keynote address began on a somber note, describing how America had become corrupted and had lost her way under the false leadership of the Jewish supremacists, as evidenced by the Iraqi POW torture scandal.
He ended his address with optimism and vision, however, describing how Whites can build a better world, poetically describing our genetic inheritance — our DNA — as a spiral stairway to the stars.)
After Saturday’s banquet, the lovely singer Julie Jones sang Dixie and a medley of other patriotic tunes.
She has an incredibly beautiful voice, and one which carries a deep emotional impact.
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(David Pringle, National Alliance Membership Coordinator, told of his personal experiences and the real-world White community-building he is engaged in.)
As the music ended, David Duke walked into the room in a scene of triumph reminiscent of his political campaigns. A resounding cheer erupted as hundreds of people held up “DUKE” signs to greet him. (If asked, I think most if not all would have encouraged him to run again for office, though no announcements were made in that regard.)
Duke began his keynote speech on a somber note, talking about the Iraq War and all the innocent Americans who have been killed or maimed. He went on to mention how the U.S. has become deeply corrupt, as is evident by Iraqi POW torture scandal. His speech was truly captivating, and ended on a very hopeful and inspiring note, and, since I cannot do justice to it here, I ask you to listen to it at www.davidduke.com. [Hear Conference MP3s below.]
This is a conference that will not soon be forgotten, and it is proof to me that progress is on its way. Through hard work and sheer determination, future conferences will become significantly larger, just as the online listeners (and viewers) will increase several-fold. There was talk of another conference being held in a few months, and this is something you will not want to miss. — (Article source: NationalVanguard.org, originally posted June 6th, 2004)

Friday – May 28th, 2004
Friday night’s speakers include conference organizer James Kelso’s opening remarks, Don Black’s introduction of David Duke, David Duke’s introduction of conference speakers along with his electrifying opening speech. (All on one MP3, 105 minutes)

Introduction by David Duke
Saturday – May 29th, 2004
Saturdays speakers include: Sam G. Dickson, Dr. Edward Fields, Kevin Alfred Strom, John Tyndall, Bob Whitaker, Germar Rudolf with Keynote Address by David Duke.

Sam G. Dickson
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Dr. Edward Fields
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Kevin Alfred Strom
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Question and answer period with
David Duke and Kevin Alfred Strom
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

John Tyndall
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Bob Whitaker
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Germar Rudolf
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

David Duke’s Keynote Speech
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]
Sunday – May 30th, 2004
Sundays speakers include: Paul Fromm, Edgar J. Steele, Roy Armstrong, David Pringle, Howie Farrell & Kenny Knight, James Edwards, Willis Carto, Don Black and panel discussions moderated by David Duke.

Paul Fromm
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Edgar J. Steele
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

David Pringle
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]
(Original photo lost)
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Willis Carto
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Don Black
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Michael J. Polignano and James Edwards
[Stream or Download MP3], [WMA]

Panel of Five Moderated by David Duke
[Stream or Download MP3 pt1]
[Stream or Download MP3 pt2]
[WMA 1], [WMA 2]

November 5-7 in Memphis, TN!

The EURO Conference DVDs still appear to be available from
DavidDuke.com, (confirm before ordering) — admin
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