Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup
A service of DavidDuke.com
From The Independent
From The Independent
From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Jeremy Corbyn, socialist seen as hostile to Israel, elected head of Britain’s Labor Party
(JTA) — Jeremy Corbyn, a socialist parliamentarian who has called the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah “friends” and is regarded as hostile to Israel, was elected the new leader of Britain’s Labor Party.
Corbyn, 66, won in the first round of voting on Saturday with 59.5 percent of the vote.
Britain succeeds Ed Miliband, who is Jewish, as the opposition party’s leader. Miliband stepped down in May after losing the general election by a wide margin to David Cameron of the Conservative Party.
Corbyn recently defended Rev. Stephen Sizer, an Anglican minister who posted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, The Daily Mail has reported. The new Labor chief also said he wanted to involve Hamas and Hezbollah, groups that are committed to destroying Israel, in peace talks.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Report: Obama and Netanyahu to meet Nov. 9 in D.C.
(JTA) — President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly will meet Nov. 9 in Washington, D.C.
The date of the meeting was reported Sunday by the Israeli daily Israel Hayom, citing unnamed political sources in Jerusalem.
Netanyahu is scheduled to arrive in Washington on Nov. 8 to attend the Jewish Federations of North America’s annual conference.
On Friday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said he could not confirm a White House meeting between Obama and Netanyahu.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Calif. municipal worker forced to resign over anti-Semitic website
LOS ANGELES (JTA) – A Southern California city worker was forced to resign after his superiors learned of his website espousing white supremacist, anti-Semitic and 9/11 Israel conspiracy views.
John Friend, 29, was hired three months ago by the Escondido city manager’s office for administrative work that included supervision of the support staff. Escondido is a small city north of San Diego.
Friend, who said he was given the option to step down or be fired, resigned on Sept. 9.
On his website, the Realist Report, Friend has lauded Adolf Hitler, blamed Israel for the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York and denied the Holocaust, saying it was made up by the “Jewish-dominated media.”
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From Ynet News
Obama disliked in Israeli polls
Despite attempts at reconciliation after conclusion of Iran deal, US president still struggles to find favor with Israelis more than any other country. Seeking to sell his nuclear deal with Iran to a skeptical Israeli public, President Barack Obama has repeatedly declared his deep affection for the Jewish state. But the feelings do not appear to be mutual.
Wide swaths of the Israeli public, particularly supporters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have little trust in the American leader, considering him naive and even hostile. One recent poll showed less than a tenth considered him “pro-Israel.”

Obama, not so popular in Israel. (Photo: AP)
Such misgivings bode poorly for Obama as he tries to repair ties with Israel in the final year of his presidency, and they would certainly complicate any renewed effort at brokering peace between Israel and its neighbors – once a major Obama ambition. The tense personal relationship between Netanyahu and Obama is certainly a factor in the poor state of affairs, sparked by disagreements and actions received as offensive from in each respective nation.
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From The Times of Israel
As Perry drops presidential bid, Trump steps up bullying
Texas ex-governor had called billionaire a ‘cancer on conservatism’ who could destroy the Republican Party

ST. LOUIS — A growing divide has emerged in the Republican Party’s unruly presidential contest, as the race bid farewell to a once-powerful White House contender. On one side stands billionaire businessman Donald Trump and his allies, on the other are those who oppose him.
A day after Rick Perry, Texas’ longest-serving governor, ended his second Republican presidential run with a whimper, Trump marked the shake-up by embracing his role as his party’s 2016 bully on Saturday.
“Mr. Perry, he’s gone. Good luck. He was very nasty to me,” Trump told Iowa voters. Turning to rival Ben Carson, he questioned whether the retired neurosurgeon had “the energy” to negotiate successfully with world leaders. In an interview earlier, Trump touted his tough-talking style as a plus.
“It’s an attitude that our country needs. We get pushed around by everybody,” he told Fox News, adding, “We have to push back.”
Perry had all but declared war on the billionaire businessman in July, calling Trump “a cancer on conservatism” who could destroy the Republican Party. On Saturday, Trump’s campaign was soaring while Perry’s White House ambitions were dead. And with the real estate mogul suffocating the rest of the packed field, it’s likely a matter of time before he helps push another GOP candidate out of the race.
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From The Times of Israel
Tens of thousands attend rival migrant rallies in Europe
Demonstrations in support and against refugees held throughout Continent, as Munich buckles under strain of new arrivals

Tens of thousands of Europeans hit the streets Saturday in both support and opposition to incoming refugees, as overwhelmed authorities in the German city of Munich pleaded for help in accommodating a fresh wave of arrivals.
With Germany seen as the promised land by many of those seeking safe haven in Europe, more than 9,000 migrants poured into the Bavarian capital on Saturday alone.
More were expected to arrive overnight, prompting local officials to warn the southern city was being stretched to the limit and would struggle to find beds for all the newcomers.
As the continent scrambles to respond to the biggest movement of people since World War II, sharp divisions have emerged between the European Union’s 28 member states, at both a government level and on the streets.
In London, tens of thousands marched through the capital waving placards saying “Refugee lives matter” and “No human being is illegal.”
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Why Israelis are ditching Turkey for Georgia
TBILISI, Georgia (JTA) — Rabbi Rakhmim Murdukhashvili had come to think of a crowded synagogue as a distant childhood memory.
In 1979, the year he was born, the Jewish population of Georgia was more than 28,000. But during his lifetime the Jewish population hasdwindled to just 4,000 as the republic coped with war and instability in the wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse.
Georgia’s Jewish community dates back at least 1,500 years, and its trajectory is emblematic of a decline that in the decades since the fall of communism has been reshaping ancient Jewish communities throughout the Caucasus region — including the Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan and Dagestan, and the Bukharan Jews of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
But since 2009, a spike in Israeli tourism has breathed new life into the Jewish community of this mountainous republic known for its breathtaking scenery, friendly people and a super-sized meat dumpling known as khinkali.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
N.Y. Times public editor calls paper’s Iran deal graphic ‘insensitive and inappropriate’
(JTA) — The New York Times’ public editor called a graphic about the Iran nuclear deal that singled out Jewish lawmakers “insensitive and inappropriate.”
Margret Sullivan addressed the issue Friday in her column a day after the graphic titled “Lawmakers against the Iran deal” was posted online and published in the newspaper.
The chart originally included a column with the heading “Jewish?” “Yeses” were highlighted in yellow, while “noes” were not.
Another column showed the estimated Jewish populations in the lawmakers’ districts. Districts with a ratio above the United States average of 2.2 percent Jewish also were colored yellow.
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From PressTV
Hunger striking Palestinian prisoner denied treatment

Israeli authorities have refused to provide treatment to a Palestinian hunger striking prisoner, who is suffering from a chronic brain disease.
On Sunday, an unnamed lawyer with the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society said in a statement that the Israeli Prison Service had denied Bilal Dawoud, 26, treatment.
Held in custody since February, Dawoud began his hunger strike on August 24 in protest against his so-called administrative detention.
The statement added that six other Palestinians are also on open-ended hunger strike.
According to prisoners’ rights group Addameer, there are currently some 400 Palestinians in Israeli prisons under Tel Aviv’s controversial policy of administrative detention, which allows the imprisonment of Palestinians without charge or trial for an indefinite amount of time.
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From PressTV
Israeli forces storm al-Aqsa Mosque, clash with Palestinians

Israeli forces have once again stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) and clashed with the Palestinian worshipers there.
The clashes erupted on Sunday with Israeli forces firing tear gas to disperse Palestinians. Three people were injured in the incident.
The clashes come as Israelis are celebrating Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year. The Israeli regime usually imposes restrictions on Muslim worshipers’ access to the al-Aqsa Mosque on the first days of Rosh Hashanah.
The mosque, widely revered by Muslims, has been the scene of clashes between Palestinians and Israeli settlers and troops in recent weeks.
Earlier in September, Israeli forces attacked a group of Palestinian women who sought to enter the mosque.

The Israeli forces reportedly tried to detain one of the young women, but the Palestinian worshipers repelled the attack.
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From The Times of Israel
Austrian leader says Hungary’s treatment of migrants evokes Nazis
Budapest takes hard line against refugees; increases number of soldiers building controversial border fence

BERLIN, Germany — Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann compared Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s treatment of migrants to Nazi-era cruelty, in an interview published Saturday.
“Piling refugees on trains in the hopes that they go far away brings back memories of the darkest period of our continent,” Faymann told German weekly Der Spiegel.
The Austrian leader said that Orban knowingly used a “policy of deterrence.”
Orban has taken a hard line against the thousands of migrants and refugees passing through Hungary on their way to northern Europe.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Obama, Netanyahu and Cameron send Rosh Hashanah greetings
(JTA) — Israeli and world leaders issued Rosh Hashanah greetings in advance of the holiday.
“Chag Sameach everyone,” President Barack Obama said in a videotaped greeting broadcast on YouTube.
On the Jewish High Holiday of Rosh Hashanah, we “recognize our tremendous power to make a difference, in our lives and the world,” he said. “Faith is hard, hope is hard, peace is hard.”
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Former French lawmaker: Germany ‘took our Jews and gave us Arabs’
(JTA) — A former French government minister said Germany “took our Jews and gave us Arabs,” then walked back the comment.
Patrick Devedjian, a right-wing politician who served in the governments of presidents Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, made the comments Friday at a news conference as France began taking in Syrian refugees fleeing their war-torn country, the French news agency AFP reported.
Devedjian, who is from an Armenian family, later wrote on his Twitter account, “My humorous jest was misplaced.”
France has said it will take in 24,000 refugees over the next two years. Germany is expected to take in 800,000 asylum seekers this year, far more than any European country.
From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Survey shows broad dissatisfaction with Israeli religious policy
TEL AVIV (JTA) — Secular and haredi Orthodox Israelis differ on many things, but there’s one thing both sides agree on: When it comes to religious affairs, the government is failing.
That’s one of the findings of an annual survey of Israeli religious identification and attitudes toward religious policy released Friday by Hiddush, a 6-year-old organization that promotes religious freedom in Israel.
The survey found that 95 percent of secular respondents are dissatisfied with the government’s handling of religious issues, with large majorities favoring civil marriage or civil unions and official recognition of non-Orthodox conversions.
But the survey also reported dissatisfaction with religious policy among 81 percent of haredi Orthodox Israelis, despite the fact that haredi parties regained control over the Religious Affairs Ministry and the powerful Knesset Finance Committee following the March elections. Since then, the parties have set about rolling back several reforms adopted by the previous government by removing the teeth from a law drafting haredi men into the military and repealing a conversion reform passed last year.
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From PressTV
Gazans, Hamas slam Israeli attack on al-Aqsa

Hundreds of Palestinians have held a demonstration in the blockaded Gaza Strip in protest against the Israeli regime’s latest attack on the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).
During the protest rally, which was called by the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, the demonstrators chanted anti-Israeli slogans and called on the Arab League to take action against the attack.
In an address to the crowd, Hamas official Mushir al-Masri, condemned the Israeli regime’s Sunday raid on the holy site and the Palestinian worshipers inside.
He further urged the Palestinian Authority to express support for the holy mosque and end its security cooperation with Israel.

People also took to the streets of al-Quds to condemn Israel’s latest assault on the al-Aqsa Mosque.
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From PressTV
Mahmoud Abbas slams Israel’s attack on al-Aqsa Mosque

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has slammed an attack by Israeli forces on the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds (Jerusalem), where Palestinian worshipers were targeted.
“The presidency strongly condemns the attack by the occupier’s military and police against the al-Aqsa Mosque and the aggression against the faithful who were there,” a statement from Abbas’ office said on Sunday.
Earlier in the day, Israeli forces stormed the holy site and clashed with the Palestinians inside.
According to Palestinian witnesses, Israeli forces entered the mosque and caused damage.

The clashes erupted hours before Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year. The Israeli regime usually imposes restrictions on Muslim worshipers’ access to the al-Aqsa Mosque on the first days of Rosh Hashanah.
The Tel Aviv regime has tried to change the demographic makeup of al-Quds over the past decades by constructing illegal settlements, destroying historical sites and expelling the local Palestinian population.
From Russia Today
Topless FEMEN activists disrupt Muslim conference in France (VIDEO)

“Nobody makes me submit,” said the message painted on the breasts of the unnamed women.
The video also shows a man kicking one of the activists as she is lying on the floor.
FEMEN was founded in Ukraine in 2008 and is now based in Paris. The organization is known for its extravagant and controversial topless protests. They describe their ideology with three –isms: sextremism (female sexuality against patriarchy), atheism, and feminism.
From The Times of Israel
On Iran deal, Obama threw everything into uniting Democrats
Netanyahu’s Congress speech, hardening partisan lines, and the president’s intense lobbying made it difficult for lawmakers to oppose accord

WASHINGTON (AP) — A lame-duck president, an empowered opposition, a looming election: They’re hardly the ingredients for a resounding White House triumph.
Yet President Barack Obama clinched a huge victory on the Iran nuclear deal in Congress this past week when Senate Democrats blocked Republican attempts to get a disapproval resolution to his desk and frustrated House Republicans settled for passing two related measures destined to go nowhere.
The outcome was especially notable for a White House with a history of bungling legislative initiatives on Capitol Hill, and a president known for a hands-off relationship with lawmakers, even his own Democrats.
This time was different, according to administration officials and lawmakers of both parties. The reasons involved policy, politics and a president looking for one last big success to burnish his foreign policy legacy.
Obama threw everything into uniting Democrats behind the accord, writing letters and flying lawmakers on Air Force One with him to Africa. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi gave the White House the names of 57 House Democrats to call in August; Obama called each one.
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