Flash News! *** Richard Spencer Joins Me Live at 11:00 am EST Monday, December 26th — Be Sure to Listen and Hang on to Your Hats!
Radio Show

Flash News! *** Richard Spencer Joins Me Live at 11:00 am EST Monday, December 26th — Be Sure to Listen and Hang on to Your Hats!

Flash News! *** Richard Spencer Joins Me Live at 11:00 am EST Monday, December 26th 

Richard Spencer

Richard Spencer joins me on my Rense Radio Network show Live at 11:00 am Monday morning. Be sure to find the Radio Show widget on the right side of my website. You can listen live either by Internet or very simply by calling in on your cell phone at:


Christmas is Just About Over — It’s About Time to Get Back to Our Promethean Task of Liberating Our People! 

Hopefully, in the waning hours of Christmas or the Day after Christmas for you, your belly is still satisfied and your heart is still full of love for your kith and kin and for our magnificent people. I hope that the sacred traditions and beauty that have renewed and inspired you!

And Now, we can get back to serious work, the most important work in our lives and perhaps the most important work that any of our people have ever done in our long history! For the fate of our people, the very fate of the world rests in our hands!

Be sure to listen to my radio program from Friday with Mark Collett of the UK. It will inspire you about our vital work, but also it will nudge you to ignite the revolution inside of yourself to make the most of the life you are privileged to live in these difficult, revolutionary times that demand so much!

Also, check out the Drexel University, Communist Professor whose Christmas wish is”

Don’t hold your breath for any riots demanding his removal from the university for advocating genocide.

Such is the nature of the Jewish Supremacist Media and Academia in which we live.

Finally, if you haven’t made a gift to our work yet, please take this opportunity to do so! This is our annual fundraising time, and we NEED YOUR SUPPORT!

Your support is indeed vital.

Just Click on the image below and pass me the ammunition I need to carry our message to our people!

You know I will do a good job!


Dr. David Duke

PS I will send you a copy of the full-color printed, illustrated Jewish War on Christmas as a token of my appreciation. Just click on the image of George Washington and you can give a gift to this important work

An important note to all correspondents: Thanks for your thoughts, suggestions, information and your support. Please remember that my work totally depends on your gifts and tangible support. Without the support of people like yourself, my work cannot grow and succeed. You can make a personal gift which is completely private, and if you so desire you can leave a wonderful legacy in your insurance plans and your will that can mean so much in the fight for the liberation and survival of our people. My address is Box 188 Mandeville, LA 70471. Thanks for backing up your love for our people with your generous support of my work for our people  — Thank You, so very much! Yours Truly,  Just click on the image below!

Dr. David Duke