Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup
A service of DavidDuke.com
From The Independent
Saudi Arabia’s executions were worthy of Isis – so will David Cameron and the West now stop their grovelling to its oil-rich monarchs?

From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Jewish foundation seeks to convert gentiles, saying ‘We all want Judaism to grow’
Whatever the reasons, Jews have traditionally been uncomfortable proselytizing.
But a Maryland foundation is flouting the taboo by funding outreach programs to non-Jews in an effort to bring them into the fold.
“Our primary purpose is to support programs that publicize Judaism to non-Jews,” Ellen Gerecht, executive director of the National Center to Encourage Judaism, says from her second-floor office in Silver Spring, Maryland. “We think Judaism has a lot to offer.
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From PressTV
Watch footage of rocket attack launched at Saudi embassy in Baghdad
Riyadh’s newly opened embassy in Baghdad has been reportedly targeted by a rocket attack following the execution of Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.
On Sunday, RT’s Ruptly video agency released footage from the incident in Iraq’s capital city, showing helicopters circling the building and smoke rising from where the missile struck.
Saudi Arabia executed Nimr and 46 others on Saturday, in a move which drew international outcry and censure.
The embassy was reopened on Friday after being closed since 1990, when former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, promoting Riyadh to cut ties with Baghdad.
From Russia Today
Star Wars, dead pigs, and PM carried from stage: Scandal ruled Ukrainian politics in 2015
Published time: 4 Jan, 2016 01:22
© Str. / Sputnik
With little progress made on the economic front or integration into the EU, and still no lasting solution to the conflict in Donbass, the political year in Ukraine was marked by various stunts, scandals and provocations.
Prime Minister Yatsenyuk carried off stage by MP
Dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk increased in Ukraine over the past year, culminating in an attempt by one of the MPs to carry the head of the government off the stage while he was speaking to parliament. It should be noted that Oleg Brana, who is from President Petro Poroshenko’s bloc, first handed Yatsenyuk a bouquet of roses before grabbing the country’s prime minister. It’s unknown what the deputy planned to do with him, as he was attacked by MPs from a rival party, leading to massive brawl. Brana was excluded from the parliament following the incident.
Saakashvili had water splashed in his face by interior minister
An angry mudslinging match over who is more corrupt saw Ukraine’s Interior Minister, Arsen Avakov, throwing a glass of water at Mikhail Saakashvili, the ex-Georgian president and current governor of the Odessa region. The two politicians traded barbs, calling each other “thief,”“clown,”“hawkish rascalm” and“bag of wind,” among other choice pejoratives. The disgraceful incident took place during a session of the reform council before the country’s president, Petro Poroshenko, who had to cancel the meeting.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
‘Diary of Anne Frank’ published online with expiration of copyright
(JTA) — Two editions of the “Diary of Anne Frank” were published online in a challenge to the foundation that allocates the book’s royalties.
A French lawmaker and a French scholar published the diary on Jan. 1, when the current copyright expired.
European copyrights generally expire 70 years after an author’s death, thus the copyright was expected to expire at the end of 2015. However, Anne Frank Fonds, the Swiss foundation that Frank’s father, Otto, established to allocate the book’s royalties to charity, announced recently that it planned to list Otto Frank as a co-author, thus adding 35 years to the copyright. Otto Frank, the sole survivor of the eight Jews who sought refuge in the attic, died in 1980.
Early last week, however, an Amsterdam court ruled that the original text of the diary may be copied for academic research.
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Treaty between Vatican, state of Palestine goes into effect
ROME (JTA) – Nearly three years after the Vatican recognized a state of Palestine, a treaty signed this summer defining relations between the two entities has gone into effect, despite condemnation from Israel.
The Vatican announced Saturday that in reference to the Comprehensive Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Palestine signed June 26, “the Holy See and the State of Palestine have notified each other that the procedural requirements for its entry into force have been fulfilled.”
It said the agreement “regards essential aspects of the life and activity of the Church in Palestine, while at the same time reaffirming the support for a negotiated and peaceful solution to the conflict in the region.”
Israel sharply criticized the agreement when it was signed as “a hasty step” that “damages the prospects for advancing a peace agreement and harms the international effort to convince the Palestinian Authority to return to direct negotiations with Israel.”
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From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Rabbi apologizes for lowballing number of halachic Jews killed in Holocaust
(JTA) — A New York-based haredi Orthodox rabbi apologized for saying that only about 1 million halachic Jews died in the Holocaust.
“I wish to apologize for my incorrect statement regarding the six million Kedoshim (holy ones) that were tragically murdered in the Holocaust,” Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi said in an apology emailed to the Yeshiva World News, the news website reported Sunday.
Mizrachi, who has posted thousands of popular outreach lectures online, said in the apology, “I have been shown the accurate statistics and I realize that those that were not halachically Jewish were a very small minimal number. I do not wish to offend any of the Holocaust survivors or their family members it has never ever been my intention.
“The Kedoshim of the Holocaust need to be remembered and sanctified in the most honorable way possible. My goal was to wake up our nation to the silent holocaust that is happening now which is the increasing intermarriage cases in the U.S.A. and the rest of the world.”
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From PressTV
Daesh executes 5 ‘British spies’ in Syria, calls UK’s Cameron ‘imbecile’
The Daesh Takfiri group has released a new video purportedly showing execution of five “British spies” in Syria, with the terrorists calling Prime Minister David Cameron an “imbecile.”
The 10-minute video, posted online, showed the five men in orange jumpsuits introducing themselves in Arabic and “confessing” to spying for the United Kingdom by filming and photographing sites in exchange for money within Syria’s northern city of al-Raqqah, the Takfiris’ de facto capital.
After that, the video showed the alleged spies, aged between 25 to 40 years old, kneeling on the ground in a desert location, with five masked executioners standing behind them, each with a hand gun. The middle executioner, then, began delivering a propaganda rant in a British English accent, addressing the UK premier.
He called Cameron a “slave of the White House” and mocked him as he dared “to wage war against” Daesh with “a handful of planes” and threatened him over the UK’s campaign in Syria.
Then, executioners shot their guns in the victims’ heads, apparently killing all five. The video ended with a small boy, dressed in an army uniform, shouting “We will kill infidels over there,” pointing into distance.
The militants have so far released several similar video clips showing the execution of captives from different countries, including Egypt, the United States, Britain, and Japan. The hostages, including aid workers and journalists, were usually dressed in orange jumpsuits, reminiscent of the ones inmates wear in US prisons set up for holding “terror” prisoners.
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