Today Dr. Duke addressed the migrant crisis in Europe. Dr. Duke pointed out that Zionist Jews have been supporting massive immigration into the United States and Europe for well over a century. Emma Lazarus, famous for the inscription that hijacked the base of the statue of liberty reading “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses..,” was herself an early Zionist proponent of a Jewish homeland. Dr. Duke said that if Zionists and their stooges like Angela Merkel were not pledging an open door, you wouldn’t have families making dangerous boat voyages from the safe shores of Turkey to reach Europe.
He brought on Dr. Slattery and asked him what evidence there was that European Jews would support Muslim migration into Europe when European Muslims have been implicated in violence against Jews. Dr. Slattery cited a recent article from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that quoted numerous Jewish leaders all invoking the Holocaust to make the case for accepting more migrants. Even if this winds up causing some European Jews to leave for Israel, it will not diminish Jewish control over the media, banking, and other key industries, as the recent Russian experience shows. In fact, Jews believe a divided and multicultural Europe will be easier for them to dominate.
If you have any interest in the European immigration crisis, then this is must listening! Please share it with your friends and family.
Click here and look for the show dated 9-9-15.
Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern time.