Zio-Watch News Round-up

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup, January 3, 2015



From PressTV

Israeli soldiers fire tear gas to disperse protesters in West Bank. (file photo)

Israeli soldiers fire tear gas to disperse protesters in West Bank. (file photo)

Israeli forces have attacked Palestinian demonstrators protesting against the ongoing Israeli settlement building and the separation wall in the occupied territories.

Media reports say Israeli soldiers fired teargas and live ammunition to disperse the protesters in several West Bank towns on Friday.

Witnesses said dozens of Palestinians suffered temporary asphyxiation from teargas during the protest rallies.

The demonstrations were organized by the Popular Resistance Committee.

Thousands of Palestinians stage weekly rallies to denounce the Israeli settlement activities and the separation wall, which has isolated large swathes of Palestinian territory.
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From PressTV

Members of the Palestinian Fatah movement parade during a rally marking the 50th anniversary of the movement's creation in the West Bank city of Ramallah on December 31, 2014.

Members of the Palestinian Fatah movement parade during a rally marking the 50th anniversary of the movement’s creation in the West Bank city of Ramallah on December 31, 2014.

Israeli forces have attacked Palestinians in the West Bank during a rally marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Fatah movement.

On Thursday, Israeli forces used stun grenades and tear gas to break up crowds of Palestinians in Ramallah’s al-Nabi Saleh town.

A number of demonstrators say they are suffering from breathing problems after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli forces.

The demonstrators were also protesting against the construction of illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian territories.

They chanted anti-Israeli slogans, vowing to continue to hold their demonstrations until their demands are met.
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From PressTV

Israeli forces fire tear gas at Palestinian protesters in the occupied West Bank. (File photo)

Israeli forces fire tear gas at Palestinian protesters in the occupied West Bank. (File photo)

At least one young Palestinian man has been injured by Israeli gunfire in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Israeli forces shot the young man at the entrance of the village of Burin, located seven kilometers (4.3 miles) southwest of the city of Nablus, on Thursday. The Palestinian suffered three bullet wounds.

According to witnesses, the Israeli army blocked access to the site of the incident and prevented Palestinian ambulances from reaching the injured man.
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From PressTV

A Palestinian woman reacts next to damaged olive trees in her orchard in the West Bank. (File photo)

A Palestinian woman reacts next to damaged olive trees in her orchard in the West Bank. (File photo)

Israeli settlers have uprooted more than 500 olive trees in a central region in the occupied West Bank.

Locals said Thursday that the settlers had repeatedly attacked agricultural lands east of the town of Turmus Ayya, located north of the city of Ramallah, in the past week.

They said that more than 500 olive saplings out of a total of 8,000 planted since mid-December 2014 had reportedly been uprooted in the area.
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From PressTV

The file photo shows a Palestinian child arrested by the security forces of the Israeli regime.

The file photo shows a Palestinian child arrested by the security forces of the Israeli regime.

A new report says Israel abducted 1,266 children in the occupied Palestinian territories in 2014.

According to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 1,266 Palestinian children under the age of 15 were abducted by Israeli forces throughout 2014.

“The targeting of children by Israel, especially in occupied Jerusalem [al-Quds], is rising significantly,” said Abdel-Nasser Farawna, the head of the PLO’s authority for prisoners’ affairs.

“The children testified that they had been subjected to various forms of torture and deprived of their basic rights,” added the Palestinian official.

Farawna stated that 200 of the abducted Palestinian children still remain in Israeli jails, urging the international community to pressure the occupying regime to release the imprisoned children and protect them from torture.

The Israeli regime is under fire for its violent treatment of Palestinian children in blatant violation of international laws. Tel Aviv has frequently arrested Palestinian children without giving a reason for the detention.

According to reports, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners are held in Israeli prisons for a long time without trial while they are not even provided with their basic needs, including visiting family members.
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From PressTV

A member of the Palestinian Fatah resistance movement, Abbas Zaki

A member of the Palestinian Fatah resistance movement, Abbas Zaki

The Palestinian resistance movement, Fatah, pledges retaliation against the United States following the UN Security Council’s refusal to adopt a draft resolution demanding Palestine’s recognition and the Israeli withdrawal.

Speaking in an interview with RT Arabia, a Fatah central committee member, Abbas Zaki, said Palestine will start an international campaign to showcase the world that the US is “an enemy”.

“The whole world should understand that the US is an enemy, pushing Israeli extremists to carry on with their actions, depriving us of our rights and supporting Israel in everything,” Zaki added.

He compared the US administration with “the cobra’s head” and vowed retaliation if Washington refuses to change its current stance.

Zaki said the US administration is pursuing an “unprincipled and unacceptable” stance with Washington “always making decisions in favor of Israel.”
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From PressTV

File photo shows fishermen in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian fishermen in the besieged Gaza Strip experienced their toughest year on record in 2014 because of Israeli crimes.

The fishermen suffered recurring attacks before, during and after Israel’s summer military aggression against Gaza. The assault left more than 2,200 people dead and thousands more injured.

Israel also prevented Gaza’s fisherman, numbering an approximate 4,000, from engaging in their daily fish hunt at sea, resulting in an estimated USD 9 million reduction in the strip’s revenues.

Periodic tightening of restrictions on fishermen’s livelihoods has also cost them millions of dollars.

Over the past eight years, Israel has done its utmost to limit the number of Palestinians who can fish at sea, resulting in a poverty rate of around 90 percent for the population of fishermen in the besieged enclave.

Fishermen in Gaza were also faced with massive destruction of their properties and equipment during the summer war. More than 35 buildings used for storage of fish in Gaza were destroyed by Israel and 52 boats were completely shattered.
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From PressTV

Smoke rises after an attack of Israeli aircraft in the South of Gaza City. (File photo)

Smoke rises after an attack of Israeli aircraft in the South of Gaza City. (File photo)

A senior leader of the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, has warned the United Nations of the ramifications of the delay in the reconstruction of the war-torn Gaza Strip.

During a Friday Prayers speech, Khalil al-Hayya, said the UN is slowing down the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip and the removal of the siege on the impoverished territory.

According to the Palestinian government, Gaza renovation will cost nearly USD 4 billion.
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From PressTV

A Palestinian man waves the national Palestinian flag to protest against the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements. (File photo)

People in the besieged Gaza Strip have welcomed a bid by Palestinian authorities to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), Press TV reports.

The Palestinian people hope the move would eventually lead to the prosecution of Israeli leaders for the crimes they have been committing against Palestinians.

“We should have joined the ICC much earlier to stop Israel from committing crimes against us,” Talal Ejla, the brother of a Palestinian killed by Israeli forces, said.

“We want the ICC to bring to justice the Israeli war criminals that killed our loved ones. Our people were slaughtered during the last war and our homes were bombarded,” he added.
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